martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Buddy Media and comScore announce partnership

Posted 07 December 2011 15:20pm by Vikki Chowney with 0 comments

Buddy Media and comScore have partnered to combine the latter's panel-based consumer insight with the former's real-time engagement data and social suite.

Michael Lazerow, Buddy Media's CEO, said on the company's blog that the lack of adequate cooperation among infrastructure players is stunting social marketing success - and that this was the first in a series of partnerships aiming to change this for the better.

Mutual clients using the Buddy Media social marketing suite and comScore's SocialEssentials measurement service will not only be able to optimise their owned social presences, but also quantify the impact of earned media using meaningful social media metrics.

This includes reach/frequency, demographics, online behaviour and benchmarking of competitive brands in the social landscape.

As part of the partnership, the companies have agreed to integrate data from comScore's 2m opt-in panel of consumers into the Buddy Media product suite to provide what it calls "seamless social marketing optimisation and performance measurement".

The specifics of this mean that brands will be able to:

  • Compare the reach and frequency of a Facebook presence to other media channels.
  • Determine even more accurately whether it is reaching its 'real' target consumer, and take steps to improve whether content hits its mark.
  • Better target content to fans' interests and passions. 
  • Benchmark social efforts to that of competitors.

Brands need at least 500,000 fans to make the data actionable and relevant, so it's a partnership geared to larger clients.

Plus, the insight is focused for now on just Facebook. However, the two companies hope to introduce additional joint products to market for all the social networks, including Twitter and others.

Lazerow explained what he thought this means for the industry as a whole.

Simple. Social media will now be a part of all digital marketing and not just a cute appendix your CEO wants to check off. This is a trend that is only beginning and we hope to help accelerate next year."

Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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