miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

How to Pick an Ereader This Holiday Season

Mario Armstrong is an Emmy Award winning media personality, digital lifestyle expert, talk show host, and public speaker. He's teamed up with Staples this holiday season to spread the word about their extensive tech offerings and provide tips for making gift giving easy this year, and distributes his content through his own website, Twitter, Sirius XM, and on Staples.com.

If you plan to give someone you love a great tech gift this holiday season, you can't go wrong with an ereader. Yes, they have been around for awhile, but the technology has changed along with the selection. The great news is that ereaders are still relatively inexpensive, and they're bound to get a ton of use — really, who doesn't need to read more?

A year ago, there were really only two kinds of devices on the market: basic ereaders like the Kindle, the NOOK and the iPad. Today, Amazon alone offers six different versions of the Kindle (twelve if you distinguish the ad-supported versions from the more expensive ad-free models).

The choices this holiday season can be overwhelming, but that's why we're here to help you pick the perfect ereader.

Understanding the Basics

On the lower-priced end, ereader devices use e-ink, a black and white-only display technology that looks like paper and offers amazing battery life, which can be measured in weeks, not hours. However, since the devices are unlit, you'll need a reading light at night just like with a real book, so keep that in mind when shopping. Quick tip: A lighted case makes a great companion gift!

Higher-end ereaders with full color screens are essentially seven-inch tablet computers. While some people don't mind reading for hours on computer monitors, others may find that a tablet-style reader fatigues the eyes. I recommend going to a store and test-driving the technology; that way you can get a real sense of how the device operates. Also, be aware of is battery life — the color versions have about eight hours of juice. On the whole, however, these devices not only offer an exceptional reading experience; they also provide video playback, color magazines, web browsing and email. So how do you choose? First, you need to understand what you're up against.

The Contenders

Basic Readers: The three basic ereaders all have six-inch e-ink screens, but they feature some important differences. The cheapest is the ad-supported $79 Kindle, a basic WiFi-only ereader with buttons to turn pages. While some may say that ads are tacky (the ad-free version costs $109), the fact is that no other ereader can compete price-wise.

Next up is the Kobo WiFi, a similarly configured reader that sells for $99. Like the low-end Kindle, the Kobo WiFi has physical buttons to turn pages and requires a WiFi connection to connect to the Internet and download books. Barnes & Noble remains a huge competitor at this price point: The $99 NOOK Simple Touch offers a touch-screen to help you turn pages and enter text. As an added bonus, B&N devices are all ad-free.

Finally, although it gets far less publicity, the Sony Reader WiFi has a special $99 holiday price through Christmas Eve. Sony's reader offers a touchscreen, comes in great colors and offers a stylus as an optional accessory.

The Middle Ground: In the ereader middle-ground, things can get confusing. Amazon's Kindle Touch starts at $99 with ads, and $139 without. Additionally, you can get the 3G version for $149/$189 with/without ads. The 3G version is useful for buying and browsing content when you are traveling, commuting or hanging out on the beach away from a WiFi network.

In general, though, if web browsing is really important, you need to look towards a tablet to get the best experience, for instance, the Barnes & Noble ereader/tablet hybrid, the NOOK Color. With an 800Mhz single-core processor, the Color is underpowered by tablet standards, but it nevertheless provides a full-color device with a touchscreen.

Finally, Kobo's middle-of-the-road option, the Kobo Touch, comes in two options: with ads for $99, or without for $129.

High-End Readers: In terms of high-end ereader devices, the Kindle Fire has gotten all the press for good reason, and it's not just due to its $199 price point. Unlike the competition, Amazon not only features a full-fledged bookstore, but also music and video stores. Existing Amazon Prime customers will love the Fire since they'll get free Amazon Instant Video on the device. I've tested the Kindle Fire extensively and am really impressed by the experience and the ease-of-use — no manual needed to start using. Many people may gripe about not having 3G, 4G or a camera, but you can always add 3/4G later with a mobile broadband hotspot device. And really, the camera is a non-issue for me.


Hearing talk about apps? Don't assume that all ereaders can run them. E-ink ereaders might offer you some light web browsing, but you certainly won't be playing Angry Birds on your black and white Kobo WiFi.

Both tablets can access Android video apps like Hulu and Netflix, send email, browse the web over WiFi, and let you check in with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and social networks. Beware, however, that while these tabs are great for content consumption, they're underpowered for content creation. That's the exclusive domain of the fully-featured iPad, and its $500 price tag.

Consider the Ecosystem

Perhaps the single most important question to ask when considering an ereader gift is whether your recipient already uses one of the platforms. Someone who already owns books on the Kindle or NOOK will want to stay within the same ecosystem, rather than re-buy her content in another store. Asking someone to switch from, say, Kobo to Sony is the quickest way get your gift returned. Do your homework, investigate what the recipient needs, and don't assume that just because you like a particular device, your giftee will want to switch over.

Avoid Like the Plague

Black Friday may be over, but cut-rate deals on media tablets will continue throughout this holiday season. My number one rule: If you are buying a tablet and it costs less than $199, it's not a tablet — it's junk. At the $199 range, the only two tablets you should be considering are the Kindle Fire and NOOK Color. They're able to offer you serious hardware at reasonable prices because they make money on the sale of content like books, etc.

What to Buy

I know this is a lot to take in, so I'm going to make it simple. Here are three recommendations that can't go wrong.

  • The discount shopper: The $79 Amazon Kindle WiFi with offers. Sure, it's going to display ads. And no, it doesn't have a fancy touchscreen. Maybe it's not the absolute latest in tech, but the fact is that a lot of people find clicking a button an easier way to read a book than putting their fingers on a screen. It may be the cheapest model, but make no mistake: For its price, the Kindle WiFi can't be beat.
  • Touch It: The $99 Barnes & Noble NOOK Simple Touch. For an ad-free, touchscreen ereader, this thing can't be beat. Barnes & Noble is a major name with a huge selection of 2.5 million books. Plus the device features a newer e-ink display and long battery life (two months for one hour of reading per day).
  • Jaw Dropper: The $199 Kindle Fire. While it's not as powerful as the NOOK Tablet, it's also not as expensive. For under $200, Amazon managed to produce a real tablet computer — no small feat! Just last year a tablet this size cost twice as much. Amazon's device carries a rich ecosystem of apps, music, films and books. The Fire is guaranteed to impress.

Images courtesy of Flickr, momotm, krossbow

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