jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Marvel attempts to turn digital customers into print collectors

Posted 06 December 2011 14:30pm by Vikki Chowney with 2 comments


While most publishers are trying to turn print customers and into digital ones, Marvel has announced a scheme that aims to do the reverse.

Hot on the heels of an update to its mobile apps, Marvel Comics has launched a digital coupon campaign that will email a link to a print-only voucher worth $5 to each customer that purchases a digital edition, including a link to their nearest comic shop.



Retailers can then scan the coupon code, and receive a $5 credit directly from Marvel.

Bleeding Cool reports that the idea may well stem from a conversation linked to the #comicmarket hashtag on Twitter.

Will this take the part time digital comic reader and turn them into a print edition collector? With the help of the extremely knowledgeable and passionate shop owners across the US? 

This is a brave move that could generate new types of fans and strengthen relationships with existing customers. Particularly as there's no minimum spend in place in order to be be eligible for the deal.

What would happen if the same were to be applied to a publishing house, providing a greater range of choice for the voucher to be applied to - and opening up doors to cross-selling and content discovery in the process.

What if you were sent one if you purchased via an iPad app? Could this work the other way around?

For years people have questioned why purchasing a print edition of a newspaper doesn't lift the onlne paywall for a 24-hour period. Wouldn't it be interesting to see a publisher trial unique codes in paper editions that did this?

Perhaps that would show that incentivising people to interact with content in a different format is more successful if they've already shown interest via another channel.


Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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