martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

What's your Digital Vision?

Posted 05 December 2011 17:00pm by Stefan Tornquist with 2 comments

At Econsultancy, we publish new ideas and research every day, but digital marketing is evolving too quickly to think that we have all the answers…or all the questions.

We want to know what creative people throughout the industry have on their minds and reward them for it.

Digital Vision is a program that provides grants to aspiring thought leaders in the areas of advertising and marketing. We provide the financial and research support…you provide the inspiration.

Winning ideas will receive grants of up to $10,000 USD in addition to research support and publicity from Econsultancy.

Each digital vision grant will produce a piece of content for publication. The shape of that content is up to you…a survey, a presentation, an infographic, a series of blog posts…or something else?

Fabulous Prizes

The greatest reward for a winning entry will be serious exposure to the more than 400,000 monthly users of the Econsultancy community and beyond. You'll also have a high quality, published piece of content with your name on it.

Digital marketers don't live on social cred alone, so grants ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 USD will be awarded based on the work required to complete your Digital Vision project. We'll also buy you an Interactive Conference Badge ($750) to SXSW in Austin if you can attend.

Only in North America (this time)

Digital Vision is an experiment, so in its first year, entries are limited to residents of North America. We hope to roll it out to the rest of the world in 2012.

Here's how it works:

Step One: Complete the simple first stage application by Friday, December 30, 2011, describing the basics of your idea.

Step Two: Short list candidates will be contacted by Friday, January 6, 2012 and asked to prepare a detailed outline and discuss their idea with an Econsultancy researcher.

Step Three: Winners will be notified by Friday, January 20, 2012. Their proposals will be announced at the South By Southwest conference in Austin, Texas on March 12, 2012.

Start your application now or read the Digital Vision FAQs.

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