martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

YouGov releases consumer predictions for 2012

Posted 19 December 2011 09:51am by Vikki Chowney with 1 comment

Research company YouGov has today released its predictions for people's consumption and behaviour in relation to smart TV, smartphones, digital radio and tablets throughout 2012.

The main points suggest that connected TV will not be taken up with gusto just yet, smartphone users largely ignore advertising on mobiles, and that DAB digital radio hasn't quite lived up to the hype.

Starting with 'smart TV', YouGov says that only 15% of UK consumers say they will own one within the next 12 months. A multi-country study was carried out in November 2011 with almost 13,000 respondents and the full findings on technology device ownership, content and attitudes is due for full release in Q1 2012.

As we've covered heavily over the past few weeks, the TV set will soon become a key device that people use to access internet content either directly via a games console (such as the Xbox 360) or other 'plug-in' box such as Boxee or YouView (a new partnership between major broadcasters such as the BBC and Channel Four as well as BT).

1 in 10 people in the UK own a smart TV and though intention to purchase is currently very low, YouGov says that sales could well be stimulated by the UK launches of Google TV and Netflix, as well as major sporting occasions such as the European Football Championships and the Olympics. Apple's offering is on the cards as well, as reported this weekend by the Wall Street Journal.

Dan Brilot, media consulting director at YouGov, says that a main driver for adoption of smart TV in the future could be the increasing availability of content which is currently only available on broadcast television. Just over one third (36%) of UK respondents aged 18-24 claimed that they would be encouraged to purchase a smart set if more of the TV content they normally watch was available on the internet.

Brilot also said that social offerings on smart TV sets could be a huge driver.

Viewers are now able to share and comment on media using Facebook and Twitter, even setting up 'virtual living rooms' where programmes are watched at the same time between friends but at different locations with social networks enabling the sharing of the viewing experience."

In the area of smartphones, YouGov says that 86% of smartphone users ignore advertising on mobiles. YouGov's Smartphone Mobile Internet Experience study tracks consumer experience of smartphones, mobile internet and applications, quarterly. The next wave of the tracker begins in December 2011 with a report due in January 2012.

Now on the surface this conflicts with recent IAB research that suggests 82% of smartphone users and 73% of tablet owners they wsurveyed (a total of 600 people) said that not paying a subscription but having advertising on mobile websites was the preferred approach. 

However, these two views are not necessarily that confusing. While the IAB suggests that there's an openness to mobile advertising as a format, YouGov shows that brands are currently using it ineffectively - the latter finding that 79% say ads on their smartphones are irritating.

With regards to radio, YouGov says that just over one in five (22%) of 18-24 year olds have listened to the radio via a portable radio set (including DAB). However, over one third (38%) of this age group has listened to radio streamed over the internet.

While the measurement of radio audiences has moved to the digital age with RAJAR's introduction of its online diary - built in conjunction with YouGov - DAB take-up hasn't quite lived up to the initial hype. Brilot says that to make this happen, the radio industry needs to educate.

It needs to support consumers as they become accustomed to new ways of listening and to ensure that reach and frequency opportunities are truly maximised - not lost - in the digital age."

Finally, tablets. Russell Feldman, associate director of technology at YouGo says that nearly one quarter (24%) of tablet users access the internet in bed – which supports another suggestion from IAB that tablets are the ideal 'downtime device.

IAB stats from last month claim that more than 50% of tablet interactions were found to take place in the late evening (between 7 - 12pm) resulting in tablets being the most used device amongst owners in the evening. Tablet usage then accelerates during the weekends with 25% of respondents choosing to use their device during their downtime and 49% agreeing the tablet is the device that best allows them to be entertained.

Though tablet usage is still small (currently only 4% of the UK population own one), that number is growing and, as the market develops and new entrants such as the Kindle Fire gain traction, newspaper and magazine publishers will focus more effort on specific tablet versions of their publications.

Unsuprisingly, YouGov also predicts that Facebook's dominance will continue to grow, and that print media sales will decline.

Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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