lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

38% of UK consumers prefer SMS to mobile web

Posted 05 January 2012 12:21pm by David Moth with 3 comments

Consumers prefer to receive promotions by text message rather than mobile web, according to new research by the Direct Marketing Association.

The study found that 38% of UK consumers prefer SMS promotions compared to just 15% that favour mobile web.

However, this is likely to be a reflection of the number of consumers who own smartphones - which currently stands at around 46% in the UK according to Ofcom.

The research, carried out by Toluna QuickSurveys, also found that when it comes to the primary method of redemption UK consumers prefer printed vouchers (71%) over mobile (16%).

Mark Brill, chair of the DMA's mobile marketing council, told us that this is down to issues of trust and poor user experience.

People are still unsure whether retailers will accept a mobile voucher, whereas you know if you have a printed voucher they will take it. Also you often have to hand over your phone to redeem a mobile voucher which you're not always happy to do."

He said retailers and brands need to work on the way mobile vouchers work to deliver a seamless and user-friendly customer experience, otherwise consumers will want to stick with printed vouchers.

The research also reinforced the accepted principle that consumers like to receive offers and vouchers.

In the UK and US there is a strong appetite for preference-based offers (75% and 72% respectively) and very low levels of resistance to getting offers (5% in both countries). 

In Germany and France, offers based on likes and dislikes also have the greatest traction, but at a lower level (46% and 50% respectively). There are also far more consumers in these countries who want no offers at all (22%).

Taking a closer look at the online market, Groupon dominates the marketplace on the continent – 60% of consumers in France use it and 45% in Germany.

In the UK MyVoucherCodes is the main player at 42% compared to 35% for Groupon.

David Moth is a Reporter at Econsultancy. You can follow him on Twitter

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