sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

House of Fraser improves campaign measurement with TagMan

Posted 03 January 2012 15:34pm by Vikki Chowney with 0 comments

High street retailer House of Fraser has starting working with real-time attribution and tag management company TagMan to help it plan, implement and track online campaigns.

The company, which operates 63 stores as well as Houseoffraser.co.uk, says it plans to use TagMan's system to improve its marketing effectiveness.

TagMan will replace all of the tags on House of Fraser's website with universal container tags and re-house them in its independent tag management system. This enables tags to be implemented much faster and for all their data to be reported together to produce combined path to conversion reports.

Andy Harding, director of e-commerce at House of Fraser said that this kind of marketing attribution means it can be much more effective in the way the company tracks, rewards and motivates the contributions of online partners and providers. 

We can focus our efforts on all the things that need to work together to attract and convert customers and not just the activity that seals the customer's final visit to a website."

The move is expected to give House of Fraser a much clearer view of the contribution of non-paid media channels such as its website and SEO, the role of which will be tracked alongside its traditional paid activity.

Alex Rodriguez, UK MD of TagMan, said that online marketers have been held hostage to the last-click model since tags on sites often can't track everything in one place, particularly when it comes to non-paid channels like SEO. 

With systems only able to report what drove clicks, the entire industry has been built to deliver them and that has meant crucial activity like brand building has been left to fight its corner with only common sense to back it up."

As part of an increased focus on multichannel integration, House of Fraser has also diversified its mobile offering of late, following the launch of a mobile site last year.

Over the past few months it has worked with O2, using Priority Moments, real time location and O2 wi-fi to deliver personalised targeting for House of Fraser's O2 customers.

The retailer continues to embrace new technology in an attempt to stay ahead of its competitors, additionally redesigning its website in the summer using data from customer experience experts ForeSee.

Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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