sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

How to Find the Right Digital Training Tool for Your Company

Peter Bray is the chief marketing officer of Trivantis, a provider of innovative e-learning software, including Snap! by Lectora PowerPoint to Flash software and Snap! Empower Flash interactions builder. Free trials of both solutions can be found at SnapbyLectora.com.

Corporate training helps to strengthen a business by focusing on one of the top assets of an organization: the employees. Not only does training and development arm staff with much-needed skills, but it also conveys that the company is invested in its employees' future.

When implemented effectively, corporate training plays an integral role in helping to improve employee productivity, quality of work, workforce morale, safety, corporate image, profitability and employee retention.

If corporate training yields all these benefits, then why do many employees cringe when they think about having to attend a corporate training session? If you've ever sat through a death-by-PowerPoint training presentation, then you understand their disdain. Corporate trainers need help creating better presentations and adopting innovative approaches.

With new technologies and trends constantly emerging, corporate training professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to stay ahead of the curve while operating within tight budgets during this uncertain, fragile state of today's economy. As a result, corporate training professionals with financial limitations may feel they are unable to afford materials and technologies needed for successful e-training in the workplace.

However, with the right strategy, finding the perfect e-learning tool at an affordable price is a much more feasible task. Take these three important questions into consideration.

1. What Do Learners Expect?

Today's learners have high expectations for workplace training. They want courses and tutorials that are easy to navigate, highly interactive, engaging and, above all, fun. Employees expect e-learning content to not only provide them with new insights and information, but also to excite them along the way.

Today's learners also expect courses to adapt to their evolving needs using the latest technologies available. For instance, a vast majority of the current workforce can easily manage mobile devices or tablets – and it doesn't expect e-learning courses to be any different. Along the same lines, learners also use social outlets like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn on a daily basis, so sharing e-learning through these means is a huge bonus for this information-now audience. As technologies change, so should your e-learning.

Ordinary, mundane e-learning courses and training are sure to disappoint learners and leave them wanting more. And when your learners are bored, they aren't paying full attention to your content, which defeats the purpose of your training. As you search for the right e-learning solution, put your employees first by choosing an authoring tool that allows for the creation of truly fun, exciting tutorials and courses. When courses are engaging, you'll impress your learners and make it easier for them to retain information.

2. How Can I Save Time and Energy?

For an e-learning tool to be a perfect match, it must do more than entertain your learners – it must benefit you as an e-learning developer as well. As an individual working in a fast-paced environment and running on a tight schedule, it is essential that you're armed with a truly rapid e-learning tool that allows for the speedy creation of e-learning course and training. When time is precious, having the right tool to cut down on development can make all the difference.

Picking an e-learning tool that is easy-to-use and allows for natural navigation is the most logical solution for rapid e-learning content creation. Incorporating audio, video and interactivity is a must, but without all the development effort of the old days. Rapid e-learning without the learning curve saves you time and energy with every course and tutorial you create, leaving you more time for other tasks on your to-do list.

3. How Do I Get More Bang for my Buck?

A fast, fun and easy-to-use rapid e-learning tool seems to be everything an e-learning professional dreams of. But if a tool doesn't have impressive, robust capabilities, why purchase it? A rare find among rapid e-learning tools is a product that is affordable, simple and has brilliant features that pack a real punch and make it truly unique.

When purchasing e-learning on a budget, one final point to consider is whether you're getting the features and capabilities you need along with low price and ease-of-use.

Image courtesy of Flickr, Stanford EdTech

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