martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Search plus: five changes you need to make to your SEO campaigns

Posted 16 January 2012 10:46am by Kelvin Newman with 2 comments

Well, it's a few days since Google announced  Search Plus Your World and I've had a chance to start to think a little about how this dramatic shift in the personalisation of results might change the day-to-day tactics of the search campaigns I work on.

Please note: I'll be referring this as Search+ henceforth, rather than the namepuke "Search Plus Your World".

Here are six small tweaks to make to your SEO campaigns, thanks to Search+... 

Use Google+ as the hub, not the spoke

There's no tool that will easily allow you to automatically seed content to Google+ from an RSS feed or other social network.

I think this is probably deliberate, if you have to upload something by hand Google can assume it's a more valuable piece of content that's something that is being injected onto the site automatically.

However, it is possible to make the connection the other direction. i.e. you can feed the content used on Google+ into Twitter. While we all know we should be creating bespoke content for each of the different social networks, we also need to be pragmatic, there are only so many cat videos you can share in one day.

This circumstance suggests if you are trying to share content across a variety of social sites, you might want to switch to make Google+ the hub rather than the spoke.

Google+ can be a great way to build a personal brand

Whenever I make a navigational search query to find Google Analytics I'm met by the same couple of smiling faces and Jonathan Stewart's Storm Trooper avatar:

Every single time I make this search I see their avatars, and I make this search dozens of times a day. Is it that far a stretch to assume people will suddenly 'Plus One' every-one of the top 1,000 websites, every time these sites appear in the SERPs people who have added you to a circle you could appear.

A bonus point here, search for any major keyword, car insurance perchance, and boom, you know which agencies are working on which sites...

Mo' circles. mo' money

I've seen a few blog posts recently discussing what happens to the Twitter followers of an employee when they change job, Twitter followers are valuable but with Search+ suddenly having a lot of people added you to a circle could have a huge impact on your value in a job market.

Imagine this unlikely thought experiment. If I have a candidate for SEO role who's not that well qualified but by some-chance has found themselves in thousands of circles (perhaps their name is Britney Spear).

If they 'plus one' all your clients, and could therefore affect thousands of searchers SERPs, are they more employable than someone in a couple of dozen Circles?

I imagine Google may already have some type of 'Edge Rank', but how many people are using Google+ to build up enough data for Google to really get this right?

"Pay with a Plus" is going to work a treat

Not so long ago I released my ebook Becoming a Clockwork Pirate with a 'Pay with a Tweet' payment model. You can read a bit more about that experiment here.

I've not seen a similar system in place for Google+ yet, but somebody should be working on it. A tweet has a value as it can help the content spread; the Google+ vote has that same viral potential but now it has the potential to influence search results, especially if they've added you to a circle.

Having someone add you to a circle and plus one some of the pages of your site could have a huge value if that influences your position on commercial search queries for months, maybe even years to come.

With that commercial value I can imagine some pretty impressive loss leaders on the cards.

Return of the celebrity endorsement

For some time now celebrities have been selling tweets, I've often wondered their value. Now with Search+ I'd consider paying a celeb a couple of grand for a 'Plus One' of your site could be a sound investment if there's a good overlap with your audience.

One viral hit can "make" an SEO Campaign.

You may have recently seen this blog-post about Aaron Wall and Google's somewhat loose definition of which page someone recommended.

This is pre-Search+, but the pattern presumably will hold. Get one page to get lots of 'Plus Ones' then lots of other pages on the site will benefit. So a viral hit with lots of 'Plus Ones' could help your money pages?

Surely that's got to encourage people to chase popular off topic posts which will attract the votes that help some of their other less vote-worthy content.

Learn more...

Our comprehensive SEO Best Practice Guide will help you understand search marketing like never before. It contains everything you need to know about search engine optimization, whether you work for an in-house client team or agency-side.

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