domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

TagMan and AdInsight partner to combine online with offline tracking

Posted 09 December 2011 11:26am by Vikki Chowney with 0 comments

Real-time attribution and tag management company TagMan has partnered with call tracking specialist AdInsight to combine online with offline analytics.

This promises to connect the dots between customers' entire online journey and any phone calls to a business by housing AdInsight's tracking inside the TagMan tag management system.

AdInsight provides call tracking technology to advertisers, allowing them to attribute a unique phone number to customers and track precise keywords, for example, how a caller has arrived at their website.

By combining this technology with TagMan's full path-to-conversion reporting, the two companies aim to offer advertisers the ability to map a customer's journey through all the online marketing campaigns they viewed and interacted with to offline conversions via phone. 

This means that advertisers can see which online marketing campaigns drove particular phone conversations.

Alex Rodriguez, UK MD of TagMan said that the holy grail of campaign tracking is to provide businesses with this single view of their customers. 

If an advertiser can see what online marketing campaigns drove particular phone conversations, they can focus more on the activities that drive ROI, and less on those that don't."

The two businesses, both of which have previously won Econsultancy Innovation Awards, are investigating their client bases to develop a joint trial programme of the integration. This includes Virgin Atlantic, Vodafone, John Lewis, British Gas, TUI Travel and Manchester United.

Vikki is News Editor for Econsultancy. You can follow her on Twitter.

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