Fashion accessories marketplace, Boticca, is one of the first
retailers to add Pinterest to its social sharing tools. It has added
the "Pin It" button to its website in addition to Twitter, Facebook and
Google + to allow its users to easily share their products online.
Judging by first appearance, Pinterest is mainly dominated by clothes, accessories, food and home wear. This seems a good fit for any visually product-led company, especially one which focuses on design like Boticca.
"Pinterest users are creative, seek inspiration and look for beautiful and unique designs, which are exactly what Boticca designers offer." says Boticca's COO and co-founder Avid Larizadeh. "We always aim to provide our designers with the latest tools to help them spread their work and grow their business - from Facebook stores to the "Pin It" button."
Palo Alto-based Pinterest is a visual bookmarking site that allows you to create online pinboards to visual showcase items you are interested in or items you have shared, or repined as Pinterest calls it, from other pinboards. Its mission is to connect everyone in the world through 'things' as a way to find common interests.
Though users have been able to embed the code for the "Pin It" button since last year, there has yet to be wide spread pick up of this functionality. This isn't entirely surprising as Pinterest is still in beta and entry is invite only.
This hasn't stopped this new social tool to be listed by Time Magazine as 2011's top 50 websites, nor is it stopping its growth. In December 2011, the site had 11 million total visits per week according to Hitwise which ranked it as one of the top 10 social networks.
With a market overflowing with new social platforms, it often takes the smaller businesses to show how successful a tool and the resulting community can be. The more savvy marketers may start to look to Pinterest as another tool in their arsnal but until more businesses can show tangible success by using Pinterest, the "Pin It" button may continue to be a rare occurrence on retailer sites.
Heather Taylor is the Editorial Director for Econsultancy NYC. You can follow her on Twitter.
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