domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Getting into digital: new guide for students and graduates

Posted 14 February 2012 10:30am by Andrew Warren-Payne with 1 comment

Digital Marketing and E-commerce Careers GuideEconsultancy has today published a Digital Marketing and E-commerce Careers Guide, aimed at UK students and graduates looking to get into digital marketing and e-commerce. The report, which is free to download, is a goldmine of information for aspiring digital marketers and provides constructive advice along with industry insights to better inform those looking to enter the industry.

This week's launch follows a report we published last week which was specifically aimed at Senior Digital Professionals (also free to download).

The issue of finding digital talent is an on-going challenge for businesses which suggests that there is a wealth of opportunity for individuals who are committed to laying the right foundations. 

For companies, our Marketing Budgets Report 2012 found that a lack of staff was a significant barrier to progress for companies in the digital sector. Econsultancy Senior Research Analyst Jake Hird has previously highlighted issues with graduate recruitment, stating that "graduates should be actively trying to find the support they need and making efforts to understand the intricacies within this line of work." 

With high levels of youth unemployment, the rising cost of university education, and the ever-increasing levels of competition among graduates for the best jobs (with many working unpaid), effective guidance for young people has never been more important. This is particularly true for digital marketing and e-commerce, as despite the rapid growth of the industry, awareness is low with many only educating themselves about traditional service-based industries such as accounting, finance, or consulting.

This guide aims to address some of these problems. When students and graduates can increase their knowledge and better prepare themselves for work, they are more likely to find employment, and businesses can take on new hires in confidence. 

Areas covered by the guide include:

  • What digital marketing is
  • What digital marketers do and why graduates should consider joining them
  • The different jobs available in digital marketing
  • How to prepare for a job hunt and secure a job
  • Career management for students and graduates

Digital industry leaders from six different companies committed to graduate recruitment have also contributed to the guide, sharing their advice on what graduates can do to best prepare themselves for a career in digital marketing and e-commerce. 

To find out more, visit the report page to download the Digital Marketing and E-commerce Careers Guide For Students and Graduates (free Bronze membership required).

This guide is just one of many ways in which Econsultancy can help individuals launch and develop successful careers in digital marketing and e-commerce. Register to access our free reports, or find out about the graduate certificates and other qualifications we can offer.

Andrew Warren-Payne is a Research Analyst at Econsultancy. 

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