domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Google+ brand pages: 20 of the best photo strips

Posted 17 February 2012 10:30am by Vikki Chowney with 11 comments

Google+ is growing rapidly: business pages are taking hold, and the platform is becoming a viable marketing channel for larger brands at least.

It's definitely short of room to manoeuvre when it comes to how your profile looks however. Each page is locked down to the same structure (for now), and so at the moment there's not a lot you can do.

Thinking creatively is therefore tough, in fact, it focuses almost solely around the photo strip that resembles Facebook's Timeline banner. I'm not talking features (rich content, engaging conversation and hangouts galore just about cover that), I'm talking design.

As such, we've compiled 20 examples of brands that have managed to stand out from the crowd with the little they have to work with.

1. Android

2. Angry Birds

3. BBC News

4. Burberry (with moving graphics that make the rain fall)

5. Chrome

6. Coca-Cola

7. DC Comics

8. Fox News

9. The Muppets

10. NASA

11. Nissan (with moving graphics that make the car appear to be moving)

12. Pepsi

13. Red Bull (with moving graphics that make the biker appear to jump into the shot)

14. Time magazine

15. Virgin

16. Vodafone McLaren

17. Wired

18. Wall Street Journal

19. Zagat

20. Zappos

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