sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Start Me Up! A profile of Tripomatic

Posted 10 February 2012 13:17pm by Graham Charlton with 2 comments

Launched in 2011, Tripomatic is a new website which helps users plan holidays, as well as activities and places to see wherever they go. 

I've been asking the team about Tripomatic... 

In one sentence, what is Tripomatic?

Tripomatic is a free trip planner that makes planning holiday easy, fast and fun.

What problems does Tripomatic solve?

Planning a trip usually takes a lot of time and it can be quite frustrating. You have to go through many websites to get all necessary information, print a bunch of papers and you are still not sure you will find your way in the city.  

We wanted to change that. We developed a website that recommends must-see places in a selected destination. People can choose what they want to see and add activities for each day of their trip.

In addition, they can also keep track of flights and accommodation and see how far the places are. Everything is displayed on the map for easier orientation. After planning the trip, users can download their personalised travel guide and use it on the trip. 

When and why did you launch it?

Tripomatic launched in June 2011 after 7 months of development. We decided to make a tool for holiday planning after spending hours on preparing our own trip to Switzerland.

Some people may think planning is a great part of travelling, but we are definitely not one of them. 

Who is your target audience?

Our target audience are independent travellers who want to make the most of their holiday. 

What are your immediate goals?

We are intensively working on our mobile app that should be launched soon. Another goal is to increase our coverage.

Right now we cover most of Europe and the USA, but we want to extend the coverage by two more continents till the end of the year. 

What were the biggest challenges involved in building Tripomatic?

Making Tripomatic very easy to use. We have tons of ideas what would be great to have at the website, but we learned to be careful with new features.

In the past, we added functionality that seemed very useful, but user testing showed that our visitors found it confusing or too difficult to use and it had negative impact on the overall user experience.

How will the company make money?

Tripomatic offers booking accommodation, car hire, city tours and other services. We get a commission on each sale made through our website. 

Who is in the team and what does it look like?

Unlike most startups, Tripomatic.com is a family business and is owned by a married couple. They both have great experience in online marketing and website development. Besides the owners, there are three developers, three people in marketing and four content editors.

We focus mostly on product development, adding new content and promoting the website. Most of us were working together on another travel website before. As all team members love travelling, lots of ideas for new features come from using Tripomatic on our own trips.  

Where would you like to be in one, three and five year's time?

In one year we would like to have an awesome product that will be used and loved by travellers. We want to cover all major tourist destinations all round the world.

We also hope that our mobile app will be successful and it will become one of the best apps for travel planning. 

In three years we want to be a well-known brand and be profitable. And where would we like to be in five year's time? Seychelles? No seriously, it is just way too far in the future for us, we never plan for such a long time ahead. 

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