jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Facebook Adds Action Links to Timeline Apps

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Facebook announced Wednesday it has added yet another way for friends to interact with your Timeline: "action links."

Instead of just Liking a post about a recipe or product, say, you can now hit "Save this Recipe" or "Fave this Product" in Open Graph apps.

When a friend checks in on Foursquare and the checkin is added to their Timeline, you can remind yourself to visit that location by hitting "Save this Place."

SEE ALSO: Put Your Live Event on Facebook, Get Paid with Evinar

"These customizable links provide another way for people to do something within your app when your Open Graph stories appear in news feed, timeline or ticker," Facebook's Alex Wyler wrote on the company's developer blog.

Wyler noted that these app links tie one action to another — and developers can choose what they want that action to be. Facebook also added a page to walk developers through how to add action links to apps.

Will adding action links encourage more interaction on Timeline pages? What do you think the advantages are of adding this feature to Open Graph apps on Facebook? Let us know in the comments.

BONUS: 10 Innovative Uses of Facebook Timeline for Brands

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