miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Relive High School in a Time Lapsed 4 Minutes [VIDEO]

To say goodbye to Montgomery Blair High School, senior Tolu Omokehinde spent seven months photographing his Silver Spring, Md., school and editing his footage into this four-minute film, Photographic Journey: Life at Blair.

The video first appeared in Blair's Silver Chips, the student newspaper for which Omokehinde was the managing photo editor for print.

"I just want to say 'Thank You' to Silver Chips," Omokehinde wrote. "Silver Chips has not only made me a better photographer, it has allowed me to meet others who also love photography and aspire to learn more and achieve great things in the field."

Omokehinde says he drew his inspiration from National Geographic Nature photographer Terje Sorgjerd, who created a time-lapse film called The Arctic Light.

BONUS: Travel the World With These 10 Time-Lapse Videos

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