sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Six tips for improving the UX on your Facebook brand page

Posted 01 June 2012 10:55am by David Moth with 0 comments

Facebook brand pages are an important tool for brands seeking to engage with their consumers online.

But creating a page that your fans will want to revisit is a tricky process.

Econsultancy's Facebook Pages for Business Best Practice Guide has been produced specifically with the aim of helping organizations and brands design and implement their Facebook pages for maximum effect, no matter what the objective.

Here we look a few of the tips included in the section that tells you how to create a wonderful user experience on a Facebook brand page.

Label apps clearly

It's best to give users an indication of what they can expect to see when they click on an app. Many retain default labels, like 'Notes', which are meaningless to users.

For example, Vitrue's page includes a Notes app that includes tips on social media management.

So why not call it 'social media tips' or 'advice'? 'Notes' means very little in this context.

Take time to arrange your visible apps

Facebook allows you to display four visible apps, while the rest are contained in a dropdown menu.

Therefore it makes sense to prioritise the apps that are most important/appealing and position them accordingly.

Sainsbury's gives us an example of how not to do this.

Like Vitrue, it has a rather poorly titled 'Notes' column and perhaps 'Videos' or 'Events' should have taken priority over the 'Our Facebook Team' app?

Avoid large chunks of text

As with all writing for the web, blocks of text look ugly and are unlikely to engage your community.

Try and break up your text by using bullet points, different types and sizes of fonts, as well as videos and pictures.

Use engaging fonts and big, chunky text

This may sound like it contradicts the last point, but let us assure you that it doesn't!

You have to catch your fans' attention, so don't be afraid to be bold (and use bold).

Keep in mind that a lot of people visit Facebook using their smartphones, and smaller screens are not the best for text-heavy landing pages.

This app from Starbucks shows a good use of fonts and clear, self-explanatory call-to-action.

Invite people to click

Don't just stick up a link and expect people to do the rest. Tell them what will happen and set some expectations.

A clear call-to-action and descriptive labelling will increase your click through rates and make it easier for new visitors to interact.

Make it easy for your fans to search for products

Some brands have chosen to use Facebook as an additional sales platform, though the merits of this approach are still up for debate.

If you want to use your Facebook page to promote sales, incorporating a product search tool so clearly going to be a great idea.

By including a product search tool on your page you're going to make it easy for visitors to buy things from you. For e-commerce companies this is something of a no-brainer.

For example, ASOS has included a search bar on its f-commerce page.

This means customers can browse and send flowers to friends without ever leaving Facebook.

Clear calls-to-action coupled with this kind of functionality will undoubtedly help to drive sales.

Please note that the full Facebook Pages for Business Best Practice Guide goes into greater details about the benefits of f-commerce.

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