viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Marissa Mayer the Right Choice for Yahoo? 88% Say Yes

Marissa Mayer announced she'd be moving into two tough jobs this week — taking the helm at Yahoo on Wednesday and becoming a mom in October.

While it's rare for news of two such events to break in unison, 88% of people feel Yahoo made the right decision in choosing Mayer as its new chief, according to a Mashable poll. While our polls are not scientific studies, this one received more than 7,500 responses.

Among the opinions voiced by our community this week, half (49%) of respondents think Mayer's strategy should target AOL, rather than her former employer Google (39%). Just over half (52%) of people think Yahoo will be relevant in five years.

Some 61% say they think of Yahoo as a technology company, while 73% think of Yahoo as a content and media company. Almost two-thirds (63%) of people don't want to see Mayer turn Yahoo into a social media company.

SEE ALSO: Mayer's Compensation at Yahoo Could Top $50 Million

When it comes to specific plans of action, 79% want to see Mayer fix Flickr. Only 29% of people think Yahoo should focus on search. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of people don't think Mayer should sell Flickr. Looking toward the future, 59% of people think Yahoo will still be an independent company in 24 months.

In a separate Mashable poll, focused on how Mayer will balance her expanding family with her new role at Yahoo, 92% of respondants say they think Mayer is a role model for all working women.

Affirming that women can have high-power roles, 77% say they don't think women need to chose between careers and families. However, some 16% of respondents say they've been turned down for jobs because of family obligations

In another Mashable poll, we asked what might be the most important question about the beleaguered tech company's future with Mayer: Can she save Yahoo?

While the most common response (46%) was that it's too soon to tell, more people thought she could redeem the company (30%) than that she couldn't (24%).

When it comes to a future return to Google, 83% of people don't see Mayer taking the chief executive role at her former company.

BONUS: Who Is Marissa Mayer?

Image courtesy TechCrunch50, Flickr.

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