sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

A quarter of Google Analytics users considering Premium version

Posted 06 July 2012 10:34am by Graham Charlton with 2 comments

A quarter of Google Analytics users surveyed by Econsultancy are considering the Premium version, while one in 20 GA users have already upgraded, according to research published this week. 

These figures are from the fifth annual Online Measurement and Strategy Report, carried out in association with web analytics consultancy Lynchpin

Here are a few highlights from the study, but there are plenty of other insights in the full report....

Use of Google Analytics

We asked companies whether they or their clients are using Google Analytics for web analytics, either exclusively or in conjunction with other tools. 

There has been a steady growth in GA usage each year, though this year we appear to be hitting a plateau, with a relatively small increase from 44% in 2011 to 47% in 2012. This bodes well for other web analytics companies, although the launch of the GA Premium product poses a new threat. 

Does your organisation use Google Analytics?

Why do people use other analytics tools? 

The most common reason given for using other tools for web analytics alongside Google Analytics was that it isn't sophisticated enough for their needs (42%, down from 48% in 2011). 

A fifth (21%) weren't sure if they could rely on just Google, while 19% were uneasy about the big G having too much access to their data. For those not using GA at all, satisfaction with their current analytics vendor was the most common reason given (24%). 

Nearly half (49%) of respondents using another analytics tool in conjunction with GA said they were seeing a return on investment, while just 6% said they weren't. The rest weren't sure, which suggests they may not be using insights to deliver measurable improvements. 

Do you get return on investment from your other web analytics tool? [Companies also using Google Analytics]

Uptake of Google Analytics Premium

One in 20 companies (5%) in our sample using Google Analytics are now using the paid-for Premium version, with a further 26% considering paying for it in the future. 

This is a relatively small sample size, with 146 using a paid-for analytics tool of whom 12 in total are using Google Analytics Premium.

It may take time before the Premium version is established, so it will be interesting to see the same stats next year. It should be noted that 26% of survey respondents are from a company with a turnover in excess of £150m.

In a blog post on the report, Advanced Web Metrics Founder Brian Clifton has provided some further analysis of these findings.

The main plus point for our respondents was the dedicated support and account management that comes with the $150,000 price tag. 

Guest blogger Michael Feiner looked at the pros and cons of Google Analytics Premium last year, and one of the plus points was the advanced attribution modelling. Sure enough, 35% cite this as a key factor in using or considering it. Note that respondents  were asked to indicate two reasons for using or considering GA Premium.

What are the key reasons for using (or considering) Google Analytics Premium?

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