martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Will Visual Portfolios Replace Traditional Online Resumes?

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here.


Quick Pitch: Pathbrite offers students and young job seekers a way to present their accomplishments holistically online.

Genius Idea: The digital platform lets users construct visual portfolios by pulling in representative pieces — pictures, links and published work — of themselves into one place.

From online media to search, the web is becoming more visual. Online resumes may be next for a makeover.

Pathbrite is a San Francisco-based startup working to replace one-dimensional, text-based resumes with visual portfolios online with easy-to-spot contact information. Like with, users can link their Pathbrite page to various social network accounts.

Portfolios are attractive, clickable and full-bodied on Pathbrite. By adding content they're proud of on one web page, users can show recruiters why they're special. Featured articles, writing, pieces of code, design projects and videos are encouraged.

The Pathbrite is a place online where users can display things they're proud of, but wouldn't typically include on a traditional resume or Linkedin profile. Depending on what job you're applying for, pictures of big accomplishments such as finishing a marathon, winning an award and pictures of family would show your interests, dedication and skill. It's up to you.

heather hiles

Bold pages immediately catch the eye. All of the content is laid out in photos and linked subheads. If individuals choose to dive further within a portfolio, they are just clicks away from watch a video, downloading a resume, or visit a web-based work.

Pathbrite, called a "next generation portfolio product," lets users mark sure their online personas are different from others.

"It makes it easy for learners of all ages to showcase the best work they've done," Christopher Gray, Pathbrite chief product officer, tells Mashable.

Users can incorporate anything uploaded from their desktop, YouTube, Vimeo, badges from the Khan Academy and links. Pathbrite portfolio makers will be able to import content from Facebook, Dropbox, Linkedin and Flickr soon.

"It's a great complement to a resume," Gray said. "Using this to tell the whole story is a great way to help someone get the job."

Portfolios can be managed over a lifetime, says Gray. It's a way to curate your own online persona. While recruiters are Google searching you, this portfolio is a chance to tailor what's found out about you, in addition to other online accounts. Pathbrite also makes it incredibly easy to connect. The Pathbrite account can be connected with an email, telephone number, website, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.

SEE ALSO: 10 Ways to Make Your Design Portfolio More Appealing to Employers

Pathbrite was founded by CEO Heather Hiles originally as a secure multimedia-sharing platform. Clients soon found this was great way to present themselves online. In March, the platform made a full transition into a personal portfolio hub.

The startup is fully dedicated to helping 18-to-25-year-old students and young job seekers achieve their goals.

"Our guiding principle is, it should be impossible for someone to make makes a portfolio that looks bad," Gray says. "We make it easy for people to focused on experience. People can put their best foot forward."

In the next year, Pathbrite is working on developing native iOS and Android phone applications. Currently, the web platform is viewable as on mobile browsers and is available as an iPad app.

In the short-term future, the team is also working on adding new templates for custom displays. Plus, Pathbrite is working with other websites for content integration.

Pathbrite targets students, school admissions officers and employers to help make the real-world connections.

"We're committed to helping learners find that path forward," Gray says. "Our goal is to help people plan where they're going."

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, vicky_81

Series Supported by Microsoft BizSpark

Microsoft BizSpark

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark, a startup program that gives you three-year access to the latest Microsoft development tools, as well as connecting you to a nationwide network of investors and incubators. There are no upfront costs, so if your business is privately owned, less than three years old, and generates less than U.S.$1 million in annual revenue, you can sign up today.

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