lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Fifty Shades Generator Spices Up Dummy Text

A new play on Lorem Ipsum — that is, placeholder text for publishing and design — is getting the interwebz all hot and bothered.

Fifty Shades Generator is a website that automatically generates filler text inspired by the popular erotic novel, Fifty Shades of Grey. Users simply click on the site's "Generate more" button, and a paragraph of naughty text pops up on the screen.

"Slobbering like Augustus Gloop at Willy Wonka's chocolate river" and "trembling like a short nun at a penguin shoot" are among the generator's more family-friendly phrases. And believe us — those were difficult to find.

The site's creators call on struggling authors to use the generator to enliven their books.

"Spice up your otherwise lacklustre novel with graphic sex scenes guaranteed to get your readers hot under the collar, and slightly sick in their mouths."

SEE ALSO: Lorem Ipsum Generators: 10 Ways To Make Your Dummy Text More Fun

Other creative dummy text generators include Bacon Ipsum and Gangsta Lorem Upsum. Check out the gallery below for more.

Image courtesy of Amazon

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