sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

L'Oreal gets a Facebook boost with the ombré trend

Posted 16 August 2012 16:42pm by Heather Taylor with 0 comments

This week it's all about the season of summer and the end of the Olympics on our weekly showcase of The Dachis Group's Social Business Index.

Our focus is on three well-known brands – a Dutch brewer, a French cosmetics company and a favorite PC manufacturer as analyzed by the Dachis Group's Stephanie Fuller.

We'll also take a glimpse at the top twenty brands on the Social Business Index, a real-time ranking of more than 30,000 global brands based on their performance in the social space, to see how the biggest brands in social are faring.


Heineken is no newcomer to this list of movers and shakers, a testament to their steadfast commitment to social, especially when making creative use of seasonal events. This week they jumped 3 spots to No. 130. Among many brands using the Olympics as a theme for Facebook posts, one of Heineken stood out from the rest with one post in particular.  

The post didn't feature a prevalent athlete, include details about a particular event or have attention grabbing copy to lure you in. It was smart and simple—an image of one hand passing off a Heineken bottle to another hand, just like passing the baton in the track and field relay. The copy featured with the photo hit gold, too: "Here's one for the team." The post was shared over 2,600 times and had over 23,000 likes. 

Stripping down the event to its fundamentals, just as an athlete relies on teammates to pass the baton, drinking buddies share that same camaraderie.


Any stylista knows the celebrity-by-way-of-everybody 'ombré' trend is in full speed. Mix that with the golden moment nail art is having and the combination is a force to be reckoned with. 

L'Oreal's Facebook post highlighted the trend by featuring 'a sunset for your nails' image with the L'Oreal hue firmly placed in the hand models grip. For any beauty lover, a how-to explanation is essential for copying the look, and L'Oreal fed into their wishes right on queue. Leveraging beauty blogger and influencer Michelle Mismas of All Laquered Up, the link within the post led to a detailed description on how to perfect the polishing method. Giving the fans unique content specifically created for them paid off. 

The post was shared 328 times and gained nearly 7,000 likes, making the ombré and nail art trends an instant win for L'Oreal social.


Summer festivals are always a fun topic on Facebook, giving brands a plethora of marketing tactics at their disposal—especially on Facebook. Contests that drive engagement spanning attendees and non-attendees are a great win, and in Dell's case, their #DellLive campaign combining the popular Chicago festival, Lollapalooza, with a bit of humor was just the ticket. 

A Facebook photo of three friends in silly cow outfits (utters included!) was a popular post for the brand, incentivizing fans to enter the contest by submitting their own funny photo. Throughout the weekend event, Dell's funny photo posts promoting the contest were highly engaged, and we can only imagine the fans got a kick out of choosing the best picture to submit. 

Editors note: The Social Business Index, a free ranking compiled by The Dachis Group, is based on the analysis of conversations on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social platforms. The index is based on the execution and effectiveness of businesses at driving outcomes such as brand awareness, content sharing, and advocacy.

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