miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Start Me Up! A profile of cloud.IQ

Posted 21 August 2012 11:56am by David Moth with 0 comments

Implementing an effective multichannel marketing strategy isn't easy, particularly for SMEs that might not have the resources to trial new technologies.

Cloud.IQ aims to simplify the process by offering businesses a range of plug-in apps that can help to engage customers through different channels at each part of the purchase journey.

They include tools that work across social, SMS, mobile web and email to help improve customer retention and increase conversions.

To find out more, I spoke to cloud.IQ CEO James Critchley...

What is cloud.IQ in one sentence? 

Cloud.IQ's a TechCity start-up aiming to do for integrated marketing what salesforce.com did for CRM.

What problems do you solve? 

Cloud.IQ is giving all companies access to the 'big boys marketing toys' to ultimately help them sell more by interacting with customers across the web, text, social media and over the phone.

With consumers being offered more choices online, yet with their spending power squeezed, it has become vital for businesses to convert the sniff of any potential customer. 

Large enterprises have been in the position to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds into solving customer conversion issues across multiple channels with complex and expensive integrated marketing solutions.  

However, until now these solutions have been out of reach for other businesses.

When and why did you launch it? 

Cloud.IQ was founded by myself and my business partner, Paul Phillips, and we launched in February 2012.  

Before launching cloud.IQ, I previously founded Ad.IQ, a market leading provider of mobile services to the corporate, government and charity sectors. 

Ad.IQ powered over 12,000 campaigns for large corporations who clearly benefitted from the technology solutions. 

Both myself and Paul believe that all businesses should benefit from the advancements in technology, not just enterprises. So, we have developed a range of cost effective and self-service cloud based marketing apps that all businesses can benefit from. 

Although cloud.IQ is a new company, the technology has been developed over the last 10 years and is reliable and proven with many of the world's leading brands.

Who is your target audience?

We believe all businesses can benefit from our suite of marketing apps as all businesses can improve the way they acquire, engage and convert new customers. 

Our client roster includes companies in retail, telecoms, insurance and the travel sector. We're also working with a number of charities and public sector organisations.

How will the company make money?

Through the purchase of our cloud based marketing apps, which range from £20 per month to a few hundred pounds per month.

What were the biggest challenges involved in building cloud.IQ?

The technology underpinning our apps has been around for ten years, but the challenge has been to make that even simpler by breaking it down into bit-sized chunks that smaller organisations can easily purchase and use. 

We think we've done a pretty good job.

Who is in the team and what does it look like?

We currently employ 20 people across our offices in London and Sydney. The team consists of marketers, developers and a business development team. 

What are your immediate goals?

We have just launched our first three apps (focused on callback, cart recovery and mobile site optimisation) and the immediate focus is on getting as many organisations to use those as possible. 

In the background we're also readying the next group of apps for launch.

Where would you like to be in one, three and five years?

Our goal after year one is to have hundreds of organisations using our apps and telling us and their peers how much they've improved the way they market their businesses. 

Beyond that, our ambition is to add more apps to the offering and expand into more countries around the world.

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