domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Tigerlabs Accelerator Showcases Its First Batch Of Startups At Princeton Demo Day

Today, seed fund and startup accelerator Tigerlabs hosted its first Demo Day in Princeton, New Jersey. Co-founded by Jason Glickman (co-founder of Tremor Video) and Bert Navarrete (long-time investor) and with James Smits (recent Princeton graduate) as program director, it provides a 3-month summer accelerator program with $20,000 in funding.

Seven teams of first-time student entrepreneurs presented their work today. They all had a live product to demo after the presentations.

During the summer, Tigerlabs offered the traditional features of a startup accelerator: seed funding, a co-working space that happens to be in a frat house, mentor and advisor meetings, speaker series from VCs and entrepreneurs and a final Demo Day in front of investors and tech reporters.

When we talked with the entrepreneurs after their presentations, they were all satisfied by their experience of the past three months. Even if Tigerlabs is located in Princeton, Glickman told us that he did not expect the graduates to stay there. Most of them will relocate to New York, San Francisco or another big city in the coming months.

Of these seven companies, two will be selling a hardware device. Here's a look at the seven graduating companies:

Eko is a cross platform mobile app that makes communications between groups of people more intuitive and enjoyable by organizing conversations into threads. Its two main assets compared to well-known competitors are its threaded view and its interface. The app will be available on iOS, Android and BlackBerry.

FlavorTech is a company dedicated to making communication and sharing experiences easier and more enjoyable by building electronic gadgets. The first product is JoinMe, a smartphone-based tele-presence robot. It uses the phone camera and connectivity. That is why it only costs $80. They will launch a Kickstarter campaign soon to raise some money and to deliver their first production batch.

Mapsaurus is a service that allows users to easily find great Android apps by exploring a graphical representation of the app market. They are trying to fix the Google Play experience and have already encountered impressive usage statistics in only a few days. For every 1,000 users, 750 apps were installed.

Panther is a platform that makes competitive intelligence dead-simple and affordable. It is an inexpensive and good-looking service to monitor your competitors on different social networks, in the news and on their website. It is currently in private alpha testing and will be available for $50 per month after a trial period.

Phonar is a platform for helping you keep track of or locate life's most important and valuable assets through location based technology and services. With a small hardware tracker in the shoe of your child, you will never lose sight of him or her thanks to the augmented reality smartphone app that comes with the device.

Tigervine is a software platform that enables small- and medium-sized businesses to create referral programs using one line of code, turning your customers into rockstar evangelists. Loyalty programs are important growth tools and should be easier to set up. After configuring and integrating the service, you can track the results of your campaigns.

TonightLife is an event management and promotion company with a suite of tools that makes life easier for everyone — musicians, nightlife promoters, educators, and everybody in between. Contrary to event aggregators that create too much noise and social networks that are not designed for this task, it allows you to find quality events to attend tonight and share them with your friends. Its initial market is New York City.

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