viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

15% Upgraded to iOS 6 in First 24 Hours

About 15% of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices are already running Apple iOS 6, just 24 hours after the company launched its sixth-generation mobile software platform, new data suggests.

According to Chitika Insights, more people updated to iOS 6 in the first 24 hours than other software upgrades in the past. In fact, it took iOS 5 five days to reach 20% of devices.

To determine these findings, Chitika Insights took a sample of millions of mobile ad impressions coming out of its ad network within that 24-hour period and compared iOS 6 impressions to all iOS traffic.


The news comes just one day after the company rolled out its sixth-generation mobile software for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, which has been met with great reviews with the exception of the disliked new Maps app.

As shown in the chart, low levels of iOS 6 started to trickle when the mobile software was available in a preview mode for developers.

SEE ALSO: The 10 Best Things About iOS 6

"The elevated level of iOS 6 usage marks another notch in the line of Apple's recent hits , which given the company's past success, is not surprising," a Chitika Insights spokesperson told Mashable. "iOS 6 adoption rates are being propelled by two factors: over-the-air updates and the introduction of a number of features which have been long awaited by Apple's users. In addition, by snapping up over 15% of all iOS traffic within the first 24 hours, the release of iOS 6 illustrates the company's ability to manage its mobile ecosystem and minimize exposure to fragmentation."

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