martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Here Are The TechCrunch Disrupt SF Battlefield Startups From Day 1

Day one of Disrupt SF is officially over, and what a day it's been. We kicked things off this morning with Bill Campbell and Ben Horowitz who were followed by Jack Dorsey, Brian Lee and Jessica Alba, and Michael Arrington and Reid Hoffman. Dave Morin, Cory Booker, and so much more took the Disrupt stage today as well. And that was all before the Disrupt Battlefield!

This afternoon we kicked off our first day of Startup Battlefield presentations, where 15 companies fought it out in front of 3,000 people or so to win the ultimate prize of the TechCrunch Disrupt Cup and $50,000, who will be decided on Wednesday.

Be sure to check out below all of the Startup Battlefield companies who presented today; one of those companies below may be the new winner! Also, make sure to come back and join us again tomorrow, as we kick things off with Ron Conway, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, and then later in the day, for the first time since his company's IPO, Mark Zuckerberg.

The full agenda for tomorrow can be viewed here.

Startup Battlefield Session 1: Disrupting Complexity

Lit Motors
Lit Motors self-balancing commuter vehicle integrates the thrill and efficiency of a motorcycle with the safety and comfort of a car. is building a development infrastructure that enables developers to create interfaces similar to those you've seen in Iron Man and Minority Report and deploy them to any mobile, desktop, or living room device.

Social Fortress
Social Fortress is your personal online bodyguard for the data you choose to create and share across the Internet. At the same time, it is your always-on alarm system for your online credentials across all sites, providing you with a virtual panic button that stops hackers, rogue employees, and ex-significant others right in their tracks.

BrightContext provides an ultra-scalable, cloud-based platform for software developers to: 1) filter and perform calculations on streams of data in-flight, and 2) power realtime data communication in apps.

Tovbot's goal is to foster a new paradigm of personal robots that interact with humans on the most personal level. Their first product, Shimi, is a robotic musical companion.

Battlefield Finalists: Session 2: Disrupting Transactions

Queremos is a platform to fund and promote concerts. Its focus is on turning fans into investors and helping them bring concerts to their town.

ImpulseSave has transformed saving to fit our natural behavior. Early ImpulseSavers are saving $3,000 a year.

PayTap is a first of-its-kind shared bill-payment platform. Whether you're splitting college bills with your kids, providing financial support for aging parents with your siblings, or you find yourself in financial hardship, PayTap allows you to tap your network of family and friends online to help get these bills paid.

Gyft is a revolutionary new app that allows users to buy, store, and redeem gift cards conveniently from their mobile device. Consumers can now ditch the plastic and manage gift cards from their phone.

FITIQUETTE enables the world's most innovative fashion retailers to offer a true-to-size visual fitting experience. FITIQUETTE utilizes a patent-pending technology that gives users a 360-degree view of the fit and drape of a garment on their own customized model.

Battlefield Finalists: Session 3: Disrupting Collaboration

Livestar is a mobile app that lets you get recommendations easily and quickly from critics, friends and people with the same taste as you. Currently, Livestar provides recommendations for restaurants, movies, music and apps, with more categories coming soon.

It's time to talk about the stuff we keep in the cloud. Dropbox, Google Docs and Evernote make it easy to share files, but why is it so difficult to have substantial online conversations about the files we're sharing? Dispatch is the collaboration layer for the cloud.

Oour social networks are like a broken faucet — great content often leaks. You miss great stuff. Drip, drip, drip. Undrip stops that leaky faucet. It's a mobile sharing community — noise is never a problem.

Saya brings rich mobile messaging to billions of low-end devices in emerging markets.

Audience Choice Winner

Picked out by the TechCrunch Disrupt audience today as the best startup from the Startup Alley, NetPlenish offers a service on an Android, iPhone and Web app for shopping that finds the best prices on everyday items like toothpaste and toilet paper.

The full agenda for tomorrow can be viewed here.

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