sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

How ‘Doctor Who’ Won Over America

Amy Pond, the spirited Scottish companion to the amazing, mysterious and nigh-immortal Doctor in the BBC TV series Doctor Who, is often referred to as "the girl who waited." It's a reference to her first appearance on the show, when the Doctor, jumping around in time, accidentally leaves her waiting for 14 years when for him it was only a couple of minutes.

The idea of someone waiting patiently for years for a friend to come around is also an apt description of the show's relationship with America, which has until recently stubbornly kept Doctor Who out of the mainstream. Even after the show was resurrected to great acclaim in 2005, its arrival on U.S. shores was delayed, and when it finally debuted, its temporary steward, Syfy, never figured out how to market it.

Then two years ago, things changed. The BBC's global strategy came into focus, and Who found a new home on BBC America. There, it was a flagship show and was treated as such. Marketing dollars poured in, igniting the simmering fan interest into a bonfire with star-studded events such as the one last weekend at New York City's Ziegfeld Theater. It didn't hurt that the current cast and producers appear to love the U.S., and have filmed some key episodes Stateside.

Ratings on BBC America have been favorable and growing. The show has celebrity fans such as Craig Ferguson and Chris Hardwick that serve as ambassadors of the show to a larger audience. Doctor Who's recent capture of the cover of Entertainment Weekly signaled that the fire has finally burnt through to the mainstream.

American Time Lord

For long-term fans (such as myself), the only proper response is "About time!" — pun somewhat intended. While the old show, which ran on the BBC (and many PBS affiliates in the U.S.) from 1963 until 1989, had a low-budget quality that could never have reached the broad American audience, the new series brought modern special effects and storytelling to the series. It took a while, but America appears to have finally caught on that Who is worth watching.

"People back home are aware that in the U.S. it's gathering popularity," says Matt Smith, the current actor to play the Doctor, during a Q&A with reporters to discuss Season 7, which debuts in both the U.K. and U.S. Sept. 1. "It's exciting for us. I've noticed in the past three years I've been coming here. Today, we're going to a theater which is double the size of what we've done normally."

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When the show was filming in Manhattan's Central Park back in April, the news went viral among fans on Twitter (it probably helped that one of the show's stars, Karen Gillan, joined Twitter while she was in New York). Executive producer Caroline Skinner says the production crew was mobbed.

"I've never seen anything like the reaction we've had over here. It's just amazing. We worked with these guys who also worked on Sex and the City, NYPD Blue and various movies. But they said, 'This is the biggest reaction that we've ever had by an enormous way.' We were like, 'Doctor Who's bigger than Carrie Bradshaw!'"

Good marketing and the show's writing — which has gotten friendlier to casual viewers — played big roles in winning over U.S. audiences. But so has the online community, which knows no bounds. Doctor Who appeals to a demographic that's extremely digital-savvy, and those fans never tire of finding new ways to express their enthusiasm (witness this Who-themed play on the literal music video).

Season 7 and Beyond

The two-episode arc filmed in New York closes out the first half of the season. Smith promises it's an epic tale that sees the return of a popular monster, the Weeping Angels — evil statues that can only move when you're not looking at them. It will also be the last adventure for on-again, off-again companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

Karen Gillan, who plays Amy, has been a Doctor Who companion longer than any other actor since the new series debuted seven years ago. After two and a half seasons of Doctor Who, various side projects and the web series Pond Life — which aims to fill in the gaps for Amy and Rory between seasons — Gillan says leaving was devastating.

"The day that I had to shoot my final ever scene as Amy Pond — that was a really, really strong feeling," she says. "Everything that happens in that scene isn't even acting; it's just real."

Skinner says the Christmas special — a U.K. "tradition" the new series created — marks the debut of the new companion, played by Jenna Louise-Coleman. That's also a tradition: having the Doctor play opposite a beautiful leading lady. Although Smith says he wouldn't mind switching up the dynamic with a male companion like the Doctor's occasional "mate" Craig (played the last two seasons by British comic James Corden), he thinks seeing a couple of bros aboard the TARDIS isn't what viewers want.

"I kind of think people want to tune in and see Doctor and hot chick," he says with a grin.

The show was first broadcast in November 1963, which means its 50th anniversary arrives next year. It's already been determined Smith will be the incumbent Doctor for the occasion (no regenerations this season), and he's looking forward to the event — and the responsibility.

"It's an absolute privilege," he says. "If we could mark the history of the show with previous Doctors, previous companions, previous showrunners — and if we can honor that for the fans now and celebrate the future — it's going to be a very exciting year for Doctor Who. In more than one way, it won't be just a televised event. It'll be a live event. I feel very pleased to be a part of it."

What do you think has been the key to Doctor Who's rising popularity in the U.S.? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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