viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Success for Branded3’s first SEO & Social Media seminar!

If you follow us on Twitter, you'll have seen plenty of talk about our first seminar which was held in our brand new office yesterday.

The day promised plenty of advanced SEO & social media tips and techniques (and good food) and it certainly didn't disappoint (the croissants were incredible…).

Branded3 CEO Vin Chinnaraja opened the day with a brief introduction, welcoming the 50 guests who had travelled from all over the country to get expert advice from B3's gurus.

Vin introduced the day

First up to present was industry expert Patrick Altoft, who took the audience through the latest advanced SEO and link strategies; this anticipated presentation sparked plenty of questions from the search-savvy listeners, and focused on how to future-proof your content strategy.

Patrick gave a compelling presentation

After a quick break with plenty of tea and coffee, our Head of Search Tim Grice took to the lectern to tell the audience how to deal with the Panda and Penguin Algorithm updates; an insightful and informative presentation which had the listeners captivated and scribbling away on their notepads.

Tim gave advice on Google's recent algorithm updates

Inbound Strategist Joe Griffiths was up next to talk about outreach and blogger profiling; taking an in-depth look at some of the tools SEO and online PR teams should be using for content marketing.

Joe talked about outreach tools

The conversation was flowing over lunch, with plenty of discussion going on around the topics which had been covered that morning; and giving the attendees a chance to chat with the speakers and other members of the Branded3 team about their own SEO & social challenges.

Head of Content & Social Media Steve Creek livened up the post-lunch session with some unique social media advice; showing the crowd a Vimeo video from his favourite social media campaign to date; Old Spice Muscle Music.

Steve gave a lively presentation on social media

After some laughs and valuable social media tips; it was cake and Haribo time! The break gave everyone a chance to gather their thoughts and note down any burning questions they had for our panel of speakers in the next session.

With Patrick, Steve, Joe and Tim perched on their stools, and our Search Strategist Mike Jeffs ready to chair the session; we opened up to the floor for question time.

Branded3's very own boyband!

I know what you're thinking, but no, unfortunately the guys didn't break into a rendition of "Flying Without Wings", but it's true, the similarities to Westlife are uncanny.

As predicted, the audience were keen to pick the brains of our speakers, and the questions were coming in thick and fast. There was plenty of discussion in the room; and an intimate, open atmosphere which made for a really useful Q&A session for each of the guests.

The day ended with some relaxing drinks and interesting chats, and we couldn't have been happier with the initial feedback we got from attendees.

The seminar was the first of many, and we'll be holding one every quarter from now on, with the next being on the 28th November. Keep checking B3Labs for news of when tickets will be available, or email for more information.

We hope everyone who came found the day really useful, and if you couldn't make it – don't fret, we'll be putting the slides up on the site next week; so follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and check us out on Google+ if you want to be the first to find out where you can get them.

BY Felicity Crouch AT 1:57pm ON Thursday, 6 September 2012

With a deep knowledge of creative writing, journalism, and social media; Felicity is our Marketing Manager. Transforming our impressive achievements into words; Felicity uses her skills to raise Branded3's profile, combining a creative background with a passion for current industry affairs.

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