viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Watch the Obama Speech That Set a Political Record on Twitter

Barack Obama delivered a passionate defense of his record in office, and emphasized the differences between his platform and that of challenger Mitt Romney during his nomination acceptance speech delivered Thursday evening.

The speech was wildly popular on Twitter, peaking at 52,757 tweets per minute — a new politics-related record for the platform.

That pushed overall tweets about the Democratic National Convention past the 9 million mark, more than double the number sent about last week's Republican Convention.

Obama's most popular line, according to Twitter? This, with 43,646 retweets:

The speech was also peppered with other short, tweetable lines:

This tweet from an official campaign account received more than 18,000 retweets:

Just because the president's speech was popular on Twitter doesn't mean the entire conversation was positive — both Obama's supporters and his detractors were actively tweeting throughout the address:

Various DNC speakers trended on Twitter through the evening, and #Foward2012 was a trending topic throughout the day after being purchased by the Obama campaign. After the speech, "#IfObamaDontWin" began trending organically. However, most of the global trending topics involved the MTV Video Music Awards, which also took place Thursday.

Did you watch the speech and tweet about it? Let us know in the comments.

Read more of Mashable's coverage of the Democratic National Convention:

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