lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

American Music Awards Goes Paperless, Uses Galaxy Note II to Announce Winners

And the winner is … Samsung's Galaxy Note II.

The smartphone took center stage — literally — at the American Music Awards Sunday night, as presenters used it to announce winners, according to website Run Around Tech.

In the video above, U.S. Olympian Apolo Anton Ohno and actress Kerry Washington present Linkin Park with the Alternative Rock Award after reading the band's name from a Galaxy Note II. Product placement at its most visible.

SEE ALSO: Samsung Galaxy Note II: A Giant Phone That Grows on You [REVIEW]

By replacing old-fashioned envelopes and notecards, Samsung is likely promoting the Galaxy Note II just in time for the holiday gift-buying season.

What do you think of this marketing tactic? Does it make you want to buy a Galaxy Note II? Tell us in the comments below.

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