lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Australia is about to get Click Frenzy

Posted 18 November 2012 22:00pm by Claire Brinkley with 0 comments

A huge online flash sale will be taking place in Australia this Tuesday and already there are predictions it will attract some million shoppers and set a new online sales record. 

Event organiser Grant Arnott expects the event to become a national phenomenon and says transactions could amount to tens of millions of dollars for local retailers.

What is Click Frenzy?

Click Frenzy is a flash sale which will be held nationally on Tuesday 20th November at 7pm. The event is an initiative of Power Retail and will involve big name retailers offering shoppers huge discounts on products ranging from health to fashion to liquor to home to travel, for a limited 24-hour period. 

The event is modelled on America's Cyber Monday, which is an online sale held the day after Thanksgiving. Launched in 2006, Cyber Monday offers online sales from more than 700 retailers and attracts 10 million shoppers, making it the biggest day for online sales in the US. Last year alone, US$1.25 billion dollars was spent during the 24-hour sale. 

Arnott hopes Click Frenzy will have similar success in Australia, and says it is a great way to encourage more consumers to shop online while also allowing local retailers to show off their goods: 

The whole aim is to stimulate activity in the online retail space for the benefit of all Australian retailers whether they are online or multichannel.

We want to establish this as an annual event before Cyber Monday really takes hold here and give Australian retailers a much needed boost ahead of Christmas.

The Click Frenzy website turns into an online marketplace where customers can search for deals across all participating retailers - and each individual deal will then redirect the user to the retailers website where the purchase can be made. Although the user experience can be questioned slightly, most retailers ultimately see this to be beneficial, as with traffic is being directed their own proprietary websites,  the opportunity to cross or upsell exists. 

Experian research and consulting head Dave Audley is predicting that shoppers may spend up to three hours searching for bargains online:

At the beginning of November, Australians were spending an average of eight minutes a day shopping online. However, during Click Frenzy consumers may spend up to three hours searching for the best bargains.

We expect to see an additional 500,000 visits to to the shopping and grocery category during the 24-hour period. 

Who's participating?

There are currently 150 retailers signed up to offer discounts. Some of these brands include Australia's biggest, such as Myer, Westfield and Dicksmith, through to online pureplays like The Iconic  and Surfstich. 

While many retailers will be participating in the event, not everyone is convinced. A spokeswoman from David Jones told The Sydney Morning Herald that the retail giant will be watching from the sidelines - for now:

We will consider possible participation in the future once we have assessed the performance and customer cut-through of Click Frenzy. 

The offline option

Some shopping centres are looking to make Tuesday a big sale day for their bricks and mortar stores as well, with Bondi Junction in Sydney hosting their own VIP shopping event to entice "real customers" into their shops. While the Westfield store will also be participating in the online event, they have hopes that they can do twice as well by appealing to all types of consumers.

Westfield corporate affairs manager Julia Clarke said the centre will offer complimentary cocktails, popcorn samplers and up to 50% off in stores on the Tuesday: 

We view the online channel as complementary to bricks and mortar retailers, so it makes perfect sense to be bringing retailers and shoppers together in both forms. 

Stay focused

For companies participating in Click Frenzy, this foray into excclusive, consumer-driven sales in this format is new - and no doubt important - given the complex state of Australian retail That said, to lighten the moodd somewhat, the event's Facebook page offers humorous tips to consumers on how to ensure there in top form when the sales start: 

  1. Stay hydrated
  2. Carbo-load in the lead-up to Tuesday
  3. Get plenty of rest
  4. Stock up on coffee
  5. Stay focused - don't lose sight of the bargains you want
  6. Make sure your laptops / phones / tablets are charged and ready to go
  7. Make sure your details are registered at
  8. You've trained hard and put in the work. Believe in yourself
  9. Have "Eye of the Tiger" on repeat
  10. Have a plan of attack. Will you be pacing yourself or going out hard?

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