domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

4 Benefits of a Job Search Community

Amit De is the CEO and Co-founder of Careerleaf, an all-in-one job search platform that cuts the time to apply in half. Connect with Amit and Careerleaf on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Online communities have set the standard for the way we live our lives online. They're where we interact, learn, share, and grow. So, why wouldn't you utilize one in attempt to enhance your job search?

Some individuals relegate their job search to nothing more than scouring the endless abyss (aka, the Web) for job postings and applying freely. This kind of search involves little to no interaction and zero online presence. This current hiring climate calls for a job search that is far more involved.

Job search communities are a place for job seekers, employers and recruiters to successfully house their searches -- with ease. It's a place for individuals to create a profile and sift through employer listings. LinkedIn is a job search community that most are familiar with, but CoolWorks and YouTern are other examples of communities serving as job search support. The proper utilization of an online community can allow a job seeker to search the most applicable listings available, all while showcasing themselves to potential employers and recruiters. The following are four benefits of utilizing an online community for your job search.

1. Stand Out

Competition is fierce in the current job market. Job seekers have conditioned themselves to know that standing out is crucial. While there are many different ways to stand out to a potential employer, many choose to do so by creating and upholding a professional online presence that represents their personal brand.

Building a strong online brand allows job seekers to showcase their skills and experiences -- allowing candidates to be more than just a name on a resume. Many individuals choose to focus on developing online profiles that feature insight into their qualifications in a way that was never before possible.

Job seekers often use social networks and blogging to shape their online brands, but many overlook the importance of integrating their brands into a specific job search community. These online communities are a great way to build, track, and manage your personal brand online -- but what happens when it comes to managing your personal brand and your job search? By intertwining your personal brand with your job search, you can cut down the time you spend networking, searching and applying, and raise your potential for becoming a well-known individual in your field.

2. A New Outlet

All too often, the hunt for a job can turn into a lonely and quiet game of waiting. You spend ages searching for positions to apply for, creating customized application materials, and then send them off with a high chance of never hearing a single word in return. This leaves many with waning confidence.

In the current job market, interacting directly with your potential employer can often give you a leg up over the competition. Online job search communities provide a place for job seekers to raise their chances of interacting with hiring managers and recruiters. Many smaller companies even provide direct information for contacting their hiring managers.

3. Smaller Application Pools

There's nothing more disheartening than receiving an email about a position you've applied for that casually shares the number of applicants you're up against. Today, applicant numbers can rise well into triple digits for a single job opening.

In comparison to major job boards, job search communities tend to feature listings that attract fewer competitors.

In comparison to major job boards, job search communities tend to feature listings that attract fewer competitors. Due to the focused nature of online job communities, listings are generally populated by only highly-interested applicants. These kinds of candidates aren't just applying to every listing they find within their field. While this certainly decreases the number of applicants, it can often increase the level of competition when it comes to standing out to a potential employer in the face of other equally talented candidates.

4. Well-Defined Job Openings

It's frustrating to find a job opening that lacks a well-defined job description and list of qualifications. It's becoming common for employers to overlook the careful creativity that goes into putting together a listing that is not only appealing, but also necessary for attracting applicants that are highly qualified for their specific position.

Job search communities tend to feature employer listings that are both thorough and definitive. These postings allow job seekers to better understand which positions they would truly be a good fit for, rather than just being a jumbled list of necessary skills.

Transform your job search by taking advantage of the benefits provided by an online job search community.

Have you found success from using an online job search community?

Social Media Job Listings

Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we publish a huge range of job listings, we've selected some of the top social media job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Graphic via iStockPhoto, fotografstockholm

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