jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Google needs e-commerce school after Nexus 4 ‘Play’ sale fails

Posted 05 December 2012 16:59pm by Ryan Sommer with 4 comments

Google's new smartphone, the Nexus 4, is available to buy and the search giant is currently accepting pre-orders through Play, its version of iTunes.

However we've been hearing some negative feedback around Play and the way Google is handling the entire purchase cycle for the Nexus 4, so decided to investigate the user experience.

We used the same e-commerce best practice criteria that we used for previous posts, the full details of which can be seen below. 

The verdict? Wait and buy the Nexus 4 in store. Here is why...

Google may not be an innovator in social networks, media devices, or really much of anything that begins with a consumer need (beyond search) but you'd think they would be able to design and implement a simple e-commerce site for their latest flagship phone, right?

Enter the final purchasing stages of the doomed sales and marketing campaign for the new Nexus 4 and we can spot glaring errors in simple e-commerce best practice.

Sure sales via Play might be up, but that's because smartphone sales are unstoppable, and iTunes still beats Play downloads 4 to 1, so get with the program Google!

The criteria

These are the main points that sites need to follow to ensure a great user experience during the checkout process:

  • Clear calls-to-action. The user shouldn't have to search around for what to do next.
  • Standard delivery costs are made clear. Unclear delivery costs continue to be one of the key reasons why visitors abandon their checkout process.
  • Clear product details. Alongside a thumbnail, customers want to know the size, colour and quantity.
  • Total price is made clear. As well as knowing the delivery cost, customers need to know the total amount they are paying with no hidden costs.
  • Delivery options within the basket. Customers should be allowed to choose the delivery option before the checkout process, thus ensuring they know what they are paying and the delivery period.
  • Secure shopping is made clear. Though e-commerce is no longer a new concept people still need reassurance that the transaction is secure.
  • Clear payment options. Not all visitors have a Visa card – are there options for lesser known cards or PayPal?
  • Don't force users to register before checkout. This is a great way to cause people to abandon their transaction. ASOS managed to halve its abandonment rate at the registration page simply by removing any mention of creating an account.

So where is Play still playing around and how can Google grow up a bit in its e-commerce efforts?

Unclear copy/call to actions

Unfortunately Play fails on the first hurdle of our criteria, because not only is there small text on the "Proceed" button after you've added an item to your shopping basket, the text also has a negative effect (call it a call to non-action).

It reads: "By clicking Proceed you agree to the Device Terms of Sale".

There is no indication from here as to whether or not I'll be able to change my mind in the purchase cycle if I move past this point, since I as the consumer have not been given any Device Terms of Sale to review. Fail.

No upfront delivery cost

As a smart consumer, I want to know what the total cost for my order will be all in, including shipping.

If waiting until the Nexus 4 goes on sale at my local phone shop means a lower price and convenience (meaning ditching a tedious online purchase process) then I'm more than likely to drop off. 

There aren't any delivery costs made clear on the product page before placing the Nexus 4 in your online shopping cart.

Clicking "Learn More" opens a separate window of about 1,100 words on shipping time, redirects, trouble with packages.

Then down at the very end of this new page, the text: "Total shipping cost is calculated based on the item in your cart with the highest individual shipping cost, as determined by our shipping provider."

Come on Google! Not even a ballpark figure? An easy way to solve this would be to show a table illustrating pricing relative to spend. Fail.

Jargon and offsite FAQs

While it is not as blatant an offense as making a user register an account (we'll get to that in the next bit), placing FAQs offsite that discuss returns, delivery times, and other information to provide confidence for purchasers is also not a good idea.

Play's FAQs are found on a generic Google support site and the text is written in a bizarre form of technical legalese.

The only way to pay is with Google Wallet

If you want to pay for any item on Play, the only way you can do so is using Google Wallet.

This goes against best practice which is to offer third party checkouts (ahem…PayPal) to increase conversion rates.

Google takes it further still and is continually striking a negative chord with developers by forcing them to use Google Wallet as the payment method for in-app purchases. Wow! "Don't be evil" my foot.

Further to this, the fact that credit card information has to be provided up front, with no indication that you will be able to review your order, destroys any trust and likely causes a fall in conversion rates as well.

Terrible optimization for iOS

Sure, Apple is one of Google's only real competitors, so you expect to see friction and closed ecosystems between the two.

But lets face it, a large percentage of mobile traffic will be coming from iOS devices, and Play is not scaled correctly for global visitors since the mobile site continually defaults to United States which is a big minus point for shoppers internationally

In addition, loads of stuff is hidden below the fold on the mobile site...

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