The U.S. Supreme Court announced Friday that it will rule on the issue of same-sex marriage, reviewing both California's Proposition 8 law as well as a case from New York that challenges the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
DOMA was signed into law by President Clinton in 1996, and stated that the word "marriage" referred only to a legal union "between one man and one woman as husband and wife." Because of the provision, the the federal government cannot officially recognize a same-sex marriage (they are only considered married under state law) and therefore must deny benefits to gay couples married in those states where it is legal.
The Supreme Court will also consider challenges to California's Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage. The law was approved by 52% of voters in 2008, NBC reports.
The court may well decide whether any state's ban on gay marriage is in violation of the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection of the law. Recent polls reported by the New York Times show a majority of Americans supporting same-sex marriage. After the 2012 election, nine states plus the District of Columbia have approved the unions.
After Friday's announcement, the Twitterverse reacted quickly. Within minutes the hashtags #SCOTUS, #SupremeCourt, #USSupremeCourt, #Prop8, #DOMA and #LGBT began trending. Many expressed happiness, but there were fears that the Supreme Court could all out ban same-sex marriages. Others felt same-sex marriages shouldn't even be up for debate, and that it was a civil right which should be accepted without question.
Still, there was one sentiment the tweets could agree on: it was a "momentous day" in U.S. history.
I have a good feeling about the U.S. Supreme Court right now.
— Justin Thomas (@JustinTMoran) December 7, 2012
The US Supreme Court has decided to hear two gay marriage suits. I'm thrilled. And terrified. Anyone else?
— sarah maclean (@sarahmaclean) December 7, 2012
A step in the right direction. #equalityforall #NOH8…
— Kristin Lloyd (@KristinLloyd3) December 7, 2012
I'm glad the U.S. Supreme Court will be reviewing #DOMA & #Prop8, a.k.a., things that keep us from being the Land of the Free.
— Highly scatological (@RaisingOneBrow) December 7, 2012
About time IMO: Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Two Cases on Gay Marriage
— Sean M. Flaim (@SeanFlaim) December 7, 2012
@davecullen I don't know why, but I think the tide is turning in equality's favor. Worried about that moron Scalia, though... blech.
— Jason Ginenthal (@JGinenthal) December 7, 2012
gay marriage has been made legal in other states. come on Supreme Court, help us out over here in California.
— Melissa Sanchez (@ohdanggmel) December 7, 2012
I hate being serious on twitter but y do we need U.S Supreme court to tell us hay marriage is ok? Marriage is every1s free choice gay or not
— mryan (@goindaeffoff) December 7, 2012
Love is love, you conservative psychos.
— Whitney Young(@whiticisms) December 7, 2012
If the Supreme Court rule in favour of gay marriage the GOP might as well just quit politics.
— Aaron Noonan (@custerdome) December 7, 2012
That's so gay. RT @time "U.S. Supreme Court will hear gay marriage cases -"
— KJS (@kjshimek) December 7, 2012
We're either going to see glorious history or Dred Scott 2.0.#scotus
— Steven Levy (@StevenLevy) December 7, 2012
@jeffreytoobin I can't believe they would take this case unless it's to rule with pro-gay side, they don't want an Plessy/Ferguson legacy.
— Richard Sharpe (@Sharpe222) December 7, 2012
hopeful but bracing for setback. nervous feels. i might vomit actually...#prop8 #doma #scotus
— tobi proctor (@justtobie) December 7, 2012
Having the #SCOTUS decide whether I am more or less #American than anyone else because of my sexuality is insulting and degrading. #LGBT
— Jason Safoutin (@dragonfire1024) December 7, 2012
My thoughts U.S. Supreme Court taking case on Same Sex Marriage? Its 6 to 3 Conservative Judges and odds likely there will be a BAN on it
— Frank H. Velasquez (@crazyfrankie56) December 7, 2012
Decisions in the Supreme Court cases are expected in June 2013. What was your reaction to the news? Let us know in the comments below.
Image courtesy of Maria Belen Perez Gabilondo/AFP/Getty Images.
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