viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

Nyan Cat Art Worth Meowing About

Mona Lisa. Venus and her shell. Nyan Cat.

What do those three things have in common? If you said "subjects of famous paintings," you hit the brush on the canvas. Nyan Cat might not have reached the same level of fame as da Vinci and Botticelli's famous ladies, but a recent art show starring the Internet famous feline could land the Pop Tart kitty at the Louvre.

Last month, the New York Art Department held a fundraiser to benefit Printed Matter, a non-profit focused on promoting publications made by artists that had much of its archives damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Artists donated their Nyan Cat-inspired artwork to raise money that will help Printed Matter digitize the archives before they completely deteriorate.

Mashable visited The Hole in New York's East Village to view the gallery before anxious art collectors snapped up the meme'd masterpieces. The artwork ranged from the creative to the Rebecca Black, and every odd thing in between.

Put on your art viewing spectacles and peruse the gallery above for the coolest collection of Nyan Cats this side of the Internet.

Thumbnail image by Mashable

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