jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Six retailers that used product videos to improve conversion rates

Posted 09 January 2013 10:51am by David Moth with 1 comment

Product videos are a great way to improve conversion rates online as they reassure the customer by helping them make an informed purchase decision.

One of the main problem with ecommerce is that you can't hold the product in your hands before you buy it, which is why offering free returns is such a great selling point.

But video is also a great way to limit the impact of returns, as it gives customers a full view 360 degree of the product.

We've previously blogged best practice tips for ecommerce product videos, and recently looked at the rise of video in 2013.

With this in mind, here's a round up of some stats showing how product videos have improved conversion rates for six online retailers...


In a presentation last year equestrian sport supplier Ariat said that visits where a product video had been viewed had a conversion rate that was 160% higher than visits where no video was viewed.

This is a remarkable increase, and the analytics behind it can be read in this blog post from SwellPath.

However, despite the increase in sales I couldn't actually find any examples of product videos on Ariat's website.

Fitness business

This case study from Search Engine Land looks at how videos impacted conversions on an unidentified sports equipment site.

It had created 120 videos for 24 products, each showing a model trying out items of clothing so customers could see how they looked.

The results showed that for search traffic, revenue per visit increased between 25% and 100%, depending on which consumer segment they were analysing.

In many cases the conversion rates actually dropped after the video was added, but this was made up for by the increase in average order value.


Zappos uses videos on a huge number of its product pages, and was one of the original success stories in this area.

It found that sales increased by between 6% and 30% for items that included product demos.

Anonymous case study

Though this case study is anonymous and a few years old, it's still worth including as the results are particularly interesting.

Treepodia ran multivariate testing for two of its clients' sites and found that product videos increased conversion rates even when the shopper didn't actually view the content.

For retailer A, the conversion rates were as follows:

  • Control group (i.e. those who didn't see any videos): 1.04%
  • Users who could watch video but did not: 1.47%
  • Users who watched video: 4.06%
  • Increase when comparing the users who could watch video (whether watched or not) to control group: +46.22%

Retailer B saw similar results:

  • Control group (i.e. those who didn't see any videos): 3.27%
  • Users who could watch video but did not: 4.06%
  • Users who watched video: 4.82%
  • Increase when comparing the users who could watch video (whether watched or not) to control group: +27.05%

It's difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for this, but it could just be that videos improve the overall user experience to such an extent that the very presence of video content boosts conversions.

Perhaps shoppers inherently trust sites that display product video as it shows they are both willing to expose their product to closer inspection and have also gone the extra mile to allow customers to make an informed purchase.

Stacks And Stacks

Homewares retailers Stack And Stacks reported that shoppers were 144% more likely to make a purchase after seeing a product video compared to those who didn't.

As far as I can tell it only uses video on a limited number of its product pages, but it does so to great affect. 

The video for this pet screen door doesn't just show the product in action, but has a saleswoman explain exactly how it works, including the dimensions and installation instructions.

Simply Piste

Ski equipment retailer Simply Piste used videos to demonstrate products to shoppers. This video showed how much the backpack can carry, the number of pockets, zips, etc. 

As a result Simply Piste saw conversion rates increase by 25% on pages that included video.

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