jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

The Best Wedding RSVP Cards Ever

With wedding season a mere five months away, the invitations will begin pouring in just in time to replace those Christmas cards.

And when they do, you'll first want to rip your hair out and then begin the tedious RSVP process.

But sometimes you just need to be able to say something a little bit more elegant than "attending" or "not attending." You need to express yourself, and what other better way than through the magic of memes.

Redditor babywhiz has blessed us all with that opportunity with this compilation of the best RSVPs ever created.

So even if your high school BFF4eva sends you an invitation covered with butterflies and glitter and singing babies, feel free to email them back a meme of good ol' creepy Bill Clinton.

Or you can print it out and mail it back with the included postage so it seems more legit.

Which one is your favorite? Would you ever use these for your wedding? Share in the comments below.

Photo via Imgur. Thumbnail via iStockphoto, timsa.

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