viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

What Does 2013 Hold for a Gaming Industry in Flux?

The last year was a turbulent and exciting one in gaming.

After Double Fine's record-breaking Kickstarter, a gold rush began as indies funded their dreams with the masses. Facebook reported 235 million of its users play games each month. Nintendo launched a console that faced "second-screen" entertainment head on. A live-action series about Halo was watched millions of times on YouTube. These are but a handful of trends that forecast the future.

Mashable spoke to 16 prominent figures across the games industry to discern what might be coming down the pike in 2013. Many of those quoted below talked about similar themes: freemium games, the rise of digital distribution, new console and tablet hardware, and crowdfunding for indie games. Read below to see their full predictions.

Do you agree or disagree with these forecasts? What do you think 2013 has in store for gaming? Share your predictions with us in the comments.

Warren Spector (System Shock, Deus Ex and Disney's Epic Mickey)

"I'm kind of just excited about sitting back and watching how the next year is going to shake out. I'm excited and I'm scared. It's not like the usual chaos. Gaming has always been chaos. There was always a new platform or something coming along to shake things up. Now, we still have all of that, but is Facebook the future of gaming? Probably not, but it's a part of it. Is mobile? Is the next generation of consoles? Is indie the future? Everything is happening, and nobody knows where we're going.

"It's been a really long time since there was an opportunity for someone like [Minecraft creator] Notch to come along and change the world. Jonathan Blow [creator of Braid] can come along and wake everyone up. Thatgamecompany shows us a small team of creative people can out-perform the guys with hundred million dollar budgets. It's about creativity, not cash. I don't know what I'm looking forward to. I'm just looking forward to the chaos, I guess, and seeing how it shakes out."

Sundance DiGiovanni, CEO and co-founder of Major League Gaming.

"I expect free-to-play games to continue to grow in popularity. MLG is currently working with a handful of developers and publishers to add a competitive element to titles that will be released in the coming year including things like integrated rankings profiles and tournament systems that will help extend player engagement and interest in DLC / micro transactions. The other thing that I'd like to see more of is variable pricing for AAA titles. $60 at launch is understandable, but as a game hits a shelf age I think reduced pricing can open the game up to new players. Humble Bundles are also awesome and I'd love to see more publishers experiment with them.

"The move to more flexible business models opens up all sorts of possibilities that could benefit players. Episodic experiences have improved with titles like The Walking Dead game, so I'm hopeful to see a bit more experimentation in that area. Breaking games' multiplayer and campaign modes into separate experiences is something that I'd like to see developers experiment with as well. The ability for a player to pay for what they use within a game might open up entirely new ways of thinking in the business.

"What I'd like to see decrease in 2013 are skyrocketing development costs. With studios spending more and more to polish games (and with most of that polish often going to the campaign or single player portion of a game), the costs get passed along to players. Spending too much making a game doesn't benefit anyone and instead consumers are left with things like increased DLC pricing and fewer multiplayer maps and modes at launch. What games like Minecraft have shown us is that a quality title developed with open access can be done with reasonable resources -- and that you don't need to nail it overnight."

Navid Khonsari, creator of upcoming 1979, The Game; cinematic director for Grand Theft Auto 3 and Max Payne

"I'm happy to see that mobile and tablet games are getting their own identity. There is a great possibility to provide a good experience that is more than just a casual game you play on the subway. We're all still in the same family room, but there are a number of different activities happening simultaneously. I could be watching TV while my wife is playing a game. If the bandwidth is there to provide you a deep emotional experience, why not do that? We want to have more than just a five-minute experience. I have a lot of interest in seeing that area grow, and also seeing it expand for me as a creator so I can bring people new experiences. We can continue on this path of better graphics forever, we can make games more and more photorealistic if that's what people want, but I think think the demand is for better design. How is it going to challenge or engage or immerse me in new ways?

"The main thing for me is I hope we have reached the high point for this free-to-play model. At the end, they aren't free-to-play. To make that generalization for how all gaming should be on these platforms is damaging. It actually hurts creativity. By creating this model, if we go with mold, we are stifling creativity. "

Igor Pusenjak, creator of Doodle Jump

"Freemium is really the model that everyone is talking about and anyone making a new game is basically working on a freemium game in the mobile world. On iOS, the model is easily figured out, but on Android, with its multiple stores and the segmentation, they have a lot of problems to work out. There could definitely be saturation and people thinking it's too much, but if a game is created in a very smart way, you can get a lot out of the game for free. If you feel like you're getting your value out of it and you want to spend your money it, do it. It's entertainment, and we're used to paying for entertainment. If you look at a couple of years back, you couldn't buy a console game less than $50.

"The big trend I think will really explode in 2013 is the whole licensing industry surrounding these mobile games. If you look at these mobile games, it doesn't stop at the mobile screen, it goes to other screens as well, along with physical products. I think there will be interesting collaborations with existing properties."

Matias Myllyrinne, CEO of Remedy Entertainment (Max Payne, Alan Wake)

"As a gamer and developer, 2013 is looking really nice. Previously you had to partner with a huge publisher, and retailers like Walmart, and back it up with marketing dollars. These days if you have a good idea, good vision and good execution, you can get somewhere. It's a tall order, but it's a fair order. It's a good time for studios and teams who are small and aggressive to get their games out there via Google Play, Steam and even XBLA. If we look at something like Minecraft, would it have been successful 10 years ago? Maybe, but they worked to make it happen now.

"Retailers on the whole will have to change. Convenience will trump a lot of things. What will the function of retail be? Will it only be hardware or it will it offer additional services? The sooner we go digital in games, the better for creatives. Digital distribution is just a much better service.

"I certainly think we will see good and successful console games, but the stakes are so high we'll have fewer and fewer of those. We'll have fewer ideas but better execution on them. We have fewer games made in the AAA space, but maybe that's good. The bar is set so high for console games now, but there are a lot of really powerful studios that haven't really put their cards on the table, like Infinity Ward and Bungie. There are also amazing titles to look forward to, like Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us."

Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox Software (Borderlands, Aliens: Colonial Marines)

"We're all getting better and better with each experience and every game is a lesson, so I can only predict that we’ll see better experiences in 2013 than we did in 2012. Look at what Telltale did with The Walking Dead episodic game, or what thatgamecompany did with Journey, or what Firaxis did with XCOM: Enemy Unknown. As fun as I think Borderlands 2 is, those games remind us that there’s room in this industry for all types of amazing experiences.

"I think it's healthy to look critically at things about our industry that need to be improved. In 2013, I hope to see more optimism and positive attitudes from fans. As a reward, I really hope to see developers deliver positive results that reinforce the positive attitudes of their fans."

Mike Bilder, CEO of Jellyvision Games (You Don't Know Jack)

"One trend that's concerning is the overwhelming move toward freemium. It's challenging enough to make freemium games and make money, but because the whole industry has moved toward that, there is no cost to consumers.

Developers have to focus so much harder on user retention, [or players] will just jump into the next shiny game in 30 seconds.

Developers have to focus so much harder on user retention, [or players] will just jump into the next shiny game in 30 seconds.

"It will be interesting to see what Zynga does in 2013; it kind of went from an overnight success to being into troubled times. Watching the company's transition into the mobile space and how they weather the storm is interesting. Apple will be one watch in gaming is well, espeicially with the rumors of an interactive Apple TV set. It would be an amazing interactive experience on a TV set, whether it comes as a television or comes as a new set-top box with apps built in. There are definitely alternatives, such as the OUYA and the Roku."

Greg Canessa, Vice President of Mobile at Activision

"The CPU and GPU curves are reaching the point where you can really see immersive, high quality games for [tablets]. When you mesh that for the consumer usage behavior -- a 45 minute gameplay session instead of a five-minute experience -- we can really start to develop more mid-core and hardcore games for tablets. A couple of years ago it was about just doing one thing, and now you see these multitasking households. We're sitting there watching TV while we're playing games.

"The smartphone and the tablet have given us a incredible opportunity to extend our brand and add an extension or complimentary experience [to consoles]."

Julie Urhman, founder and CEO of OUYA, the $99 Android console

"In 2013, game developers, like independent artists in music and film, will be more free to have a direct relationship with the gameplayers. We removed those obstacles for the television, as Google and Apple did for mobile. We think that will unleash a wave of creativity from game developers. And, big game companies are quickly learning from these upstarts, and therefore experimenting more aggressively.

"Phenomenal games will embrace the emerging business models: free-to-play and digitally distributed games. These games will stop using the annoying addiction mechanics of the first generation of free games, and start winning on immersive, emotional game experiences."

Brian Fargo, CEO of InXile Entertainment, founded Interplay Entertainment in 1983

"I'm looking forward to the big Kickstarter games launching to prove the viability of the model. It is so important that developers start to control their destiny and this is the best chance yet to make this happen. I continue to see strong development companies going out of business and I feel like this wouldn't have happened had they been more in control of their businesses.

I am hoping that 2013 will be the Year of the Developer.

I am hoping that 2013 will be the Year of the Developer. For so many years you have had developers who wanted to make a certain kind of game with an audience that wanted to play it. But the barriers of retail and the financial gatekeepers prevented that from happening. It makes it highly competitive, but the players certainly benefit the most from this new dynamic.

"From a hardware perspective, I would hope for some big advancements from Microsoft and Sony on their next generation platforms. The big potential game changer could be how well cloud gaming is executed. There is great upside, but it is fraught with technological peril when you start trying to make games perform that are geared toward the hardcore. As usual, real gamers are the tail that wags the dog, and the only group that is loyal to brands."

Ken Levine, creative director and co-founder of Irrational Games (BioShock, BioShock Infinite)

"It’s always an exciting time when you have a bunch of new platforms appear over a very short period of time. In the span of a year and a half, you’ll get four or five major platforms coming out in a relatively short period of time. And what that means for the future of gaming is still unclear, but it certainly stirs the pot.

"I think the biggest advancements that we will get will be the ability to transport your game experience seamlessly from a static home platform to a mobile platform. The platform restrictions will become far less important than they are now.

"I would like to see developers who think that only the kind of games they make matter chill out a bit. Whether they be big-budget developers or indie developers. I love all kinds of games and I’m not embarrassed or think any certain kinds of games aren't worthy enough or intellectual enough. I think games are cool and I enjoy playing them and to me, the more people making games and expressing themselves, the better."

Jordan Mechner, creator of Prince of Persia and Karateka

"The explosion in mobile gaming in the last couple of years has been extraordinary. I'm looking forward to seeing mobile games continue to mature and explore new ideas and types of gameplay, beyond the already proven models we know about.

"As a gamer, I'm eagerly anticipating the next title from Playdead and Arnt Jensen [creators of Limbo], and the follow-up to Rayman Origins from Michel Ancel and his team at Ubisoft Montpellier. I love the strong artistic personality and attention to detail of their games."

Seamus Blackley, president of Innovative Leisure and co-creator of the Xbox

"Five years ago, everyone predicted the death of mobile games ... and along came Angry Birds. (People think 'Along came iOS,' but really, it was Angry Birds and some other great mobile games, along with that platform, that supercharged the segment into a high-growth business.) People predicted the death of the PC as a game platform, and along came World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Half Life, and Portal.

"Now people predict the death of the consoles, but the same thing will happen.

The theme in this for the industry is simple: consumers want great games, and whatever platforms play those great games are going to be successful

The theme in this for the industry is simple: consumers want great games, and whatever platforms play those great games are going to be successful.

"With the explosive audience growth we have seen as a result of social and mobile games, we now have a rapidly growing, rapidly maturing new audience of paying customers. So in 2013, I believe we will watch the continued emergence of a customer base who have more evolved taste, and therefore demand higher quality products. The fact that there are more of those customers than ever just means that we have more chances than ever to make people happy -- and to generate tons of commerce with quality gameplay."

Emmett Shear, CEO of Twitch

"I can't wait for the next round of spectator-mode enhanced games. We've seen a few titles leading the way here over the past few years, but it's turning from a trickle to a flood in 2013. I love watching most games on Twitch, but game companies that put in the effort to build good tools for broadcasters makes a huge difference. I believe that spectator-modes are going to expand from RTS [real-time strategy] and MOBA [multiplayer online battle arena] style games into every other type, from puzzlers to sims to shooters.

"I'm a huge fan of what I think of as the 'indie platforms': Ouya and SteamBox. I think platform competition is good for everyone in the gaming industry, and I'm excited to see innovation on the controllers and form factors for television-based consoles.

"I hope we're nearing the end of treating gamers like pedal-pressing rats. There's an aspect of playing a slot-machine to most games, but a lot of 'social' games have stripped out everything else. It's like they're selling caffeine pills instead of coffee, taking something that's a nice bonus and turning it into a purified addiction. "

Kellee Santiago, Indie Fun partner and co-founder/former president of Thatgamecompany (Journey)

"I'm looking forward to seeing a greater diversity of content and a greater diversity of game makers. I feel like we're right on the edge now of seeing games that offer non-traditional experiences being much more the norm. From The Walking Dead winning GOTY at SpikeTV, to the successful Kickstarter campaign for LA Game Space, to the blog Free Indie Games, to the inclusion of video games in the MoMA, a wave started building in 2012 that I think we'll see continue to grow in 2013.

"We'll certainly see a lot of new tech in 2013, but I think the big advancements will only start bubbling in the upcoming year -- ones that will lead to huge gains in future years, but maybe not quite so big in 2013 itself. Things like more equal opportunity hiring practices and management styles, the merging of 'serious' games and 'entertainment' games (both in content and in development talent), and hopefully the beginnings of new ways to distribute games to promote the discoverability of quality content. "

David Reid, Chief Marketing Officer for CCP (EVE Online)

"Without a doubt I'm eager to hear more about the next generation of consoles. There are huge questions waiting to be answered in the next gen: Will digital distribution overtake retail for console games as it has for PC titles? Does optical media have a place in our gaming future? Were motion controllers a fad or are they early steps towards building the Metaverse? Is the single-player game an endangered species? And those are just the obvious questions!

"The rise of free-to-play gaming is still nowhere near its apex, and I expect 2013 will be the year it becomes the primary way to distribute quality games and not just mobile and tablet titles. What was novel on the PC just a few years ago in terms of 'AAA' games for gamers is about to become the dominant business model in our market on all platforms.

"I'd really like to see the big publishers get back to their roots in terms of delivering big, deep, immersive core games for gamers and stop mucking around with social, mobile and casual games. The casual game space is a great place for new and indie creators to explore and innovate, and there’s lots of exciting development happening on mobile and tablet. But everyone should look at the plight of Zynga and realize it's the gamers who keep our industry vibrant. The lessons to be learned from Zynga’s success are very much in the business model and distribution arenas. But publishers who’ve interpreted that success to mean we all want to play cheap, cartoony translations of our favorite games are utterly, horribly wrong."

Image courtesy of superbrothers, Sword & Sworcery. Warren Spector photo courtesy of Flickr, GDC Official

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