martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Les Mean Girls Tumblr Is So LeFetch

It's the story of outsiders finding their place, love, loss, the constant struggle between good and evil, and a revolution to quell unfair leadership.

And of course, Tina Fey. Wasn't Mean Girls awesome?

If you ask us, replace Tina Fey with Anne Hathaway and you've got yourself a dead ringer for the Les Miserables screenplay. And yes, Les Mis technically came first and all but that's besides the point.

The true point is that Les Mis and Mean Girls just have so much in common. Regina George and Javert were clearly cut out of the same vicious cloth. Amanda Seyfried plays a dumb blonde in both movies (mind blown, right?). And high school is pretty much the same thing as revolutionary France.

Mean Girls even had a musical number. How could anyone ever forgot the "Plastics" rendition of "Jingle Bell Rock"? We're thinking a Les Mis sequel where Lindsay Lohan belts out Fantine's "I Dreamed a Dream" would do great.

With all these blatant overlaps, how could Tumblr not call it out in terrific meme style? Check out the brilliance of Les Mean Girls Tumblr in the gallery above.

Photos courtesy of Tumblr, Les Mean Girls.

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