sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Mobile optimisation is the 'most exciting digital opportunity' for 2013

Posted 10 January 2013 10:15am by Graham Charlton with 0 comments

Mobile optimisation is the most exciting digital opportunity for marketers in the coming year, according to stats from a new Econsultancy report. 

Our latest Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing: Digital Trends for 2013, produced in association with Adobe, looks at what marketers see as the most important trends in the next 12 months

Content, conversion, mobile, social and personalisation have emerged as some of the key areas for markerters to focus on this year. 

The most exciting digital opportunities for 2013

We asked our respondents for the three most exciting opportunities: 

Note: Respondents could check up to three options for this question. Targeting & personalisation, and connected TV, were new options for the most recent survey. 

While social media was much talked about at the beginning of last year, it seems that many companies must have progressed in this area, with other focuses this year. 

After mobile optimisation (43%) comes targeting and personalisation and social engagement (both 35%), followed by, of course content marketing (30%). 

Mobile optimisation

While the need for mobile optimisation is nothing new, it's now time for a more rounded mobile strategy. As the report says: 

To move forward in "mobile optimisation" means coming to grips with the reality that every experience we offer through digital channels – every web page, shopping cart and piece of rich content – must work well on any device in any location. The customer understands that concessions need to be made for the smaller screen, touchscreen input and slower speed, but they won't accept unnecessary hassle or delay. Apps are a part of today's approach to mobile, but they are not a broad answer to this challenge, as use of the mobile web increases daily.

How mobile users research and buy products

The growth of mobile as a key part of the research and purchase process has driven a greater desire for understanding of this trend. 

Indeed, stats from Christmas 2012 show the importance of mobile. A recent Econsultancy survey found that 24% of UK and 28% of US consumers used mobiles or tablets for their Christmas shopping. 

Other stats show that almost a quarter of shoppers have been 'showrooming', i.e. using mobiles when in stores to check and compare prices.

This represents both a challenge and an opportunity for retailers. As we explored in our How the Internet Can Save the High St report, those retailers and brands which can adapt to and take advantage of mobile research trends can gain a big advantage. 

The importance is shown by the fact that a larger proportion of companies than a year ago, 56% compared to 47% in 2012, consider that 'understanding how mobile users research and buy products' will be more important in the year ahead. 

How important will the following be for your digital marketing over the next few years?

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