martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

The majority of video watched online is now long form content

Posted 31 May 2012 10:13am by David Moth with 0 comments

The amount of long form content viewed on connected TVs and gaming consoles increased to nearly 90% in Q1 2012 compared to 57% Q4 2011, according to a report from Ooyala.

Across all connected devices, long form content (any video longer than ten minutes) now accounts for more than half the total time spent watching video online.

Mobile video showed huge growth last quarter, with the overall share of time watched on smartphones increasing by 41% to 29% overall.

Similarly, the share of time watched on tablets grew by a third to 36%.

Unsurprisingly, the iPad dominates tablet viewing, accounting for 95% of time spent watching videos on the device.

The new iPad seems to have had an affect on viewing, with the amount of video watched on tablet increasing by 26% following its release in March.

However while online viewing is increasing, Ooyala suggests that consumers aren't necessarily changing the type of content they watch.

"They are instead choosing to watch traditional TV and movie content on their new connected screens."


Continuing a trend from last year, connected TV viewers were the most engaged across all forms of content.

Tablet viewers were the second-most engaged, followed by PC viewers.

However the percentage of viewers watching more than 75% of long form videos online is still quite low.

When are people watching?

The report shows that viewing habits spike at different times of the day on each device.

On weekdays, tablet viewing rises in the morning as people commute to work, then dips back down again as PC viewing picks up.

Tablets viewing then spikes again in the evening as the amount of video watched on PC gradually tails off.

Around one-third of tablet viewing takes place between 7pm and 11pm, so this is the period that advertisers should be targeting for their online video strategies.

Looking at connected TVs and gaming consoles, the major viewing spike takes place in the evening.

The increase is more pronounced on weekends - on Saturdays between 4pm and 11pm viewers watch nearly a third more video on connected TV devices than they do during the week.

However, while it is important for advertisers to be aware of viewing trends, it should be noted that connected TV viewing remains relatively low.

A recent survey by Kantar Media found that only 7% of British adults have used a connected TV to go online.

And more than a third (36%) of respondents said they did not see the point in going online through a TV set.

To find out more about internet ready TVs read Econsultancy's new Connected TV Smart Pack.

It highlights market trends, key statistics and case study examples of companies using connected TV for marketing and provides an overview of the main players in this increasingly important sector.

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