jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Newspaper Issues Yoda-Inspired Correction

We all make mistakes, but when newspapers do it, they can't just let it slide. The correction must follow, placing an irreversible black mark on the publication.

The Tampa Bay Times figured if they were going down in the name of journalism, they'd have a little Star Wars fun with it.

It seems one of their journalists misquoted a moderator at Tampa Bay Comic Con in a story, originally writing, "Are you ready to find love in all the wrong places?"

The actual quotation was: "Are you ready to find love in Alderaan places?" — referring to Princess Leia's home planet.

Beneath the correction, the Times simply printed these immortal, Yoda-inspired words: "Regret the error, we do."

The lesson in all of this? If you make a mistake, don't just say sorry, be awesome instead.

Image via iStockphoto, ideabug

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