sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Start Me Up! A profile of The Periscope Post

Posted 04 July 2012 12:13pm by Graham Charlton with 1 comment

The Periscope Post is a curated news site which collates the best news and opinion from a diverse spectrum of online sources. 

I've been asking Founder Thomas D. Gommes about the thinking behind the site and how he plans to monetise it. 

In one sentence, what is The Periscope Post?

Based in London, The Periscope Post is an informative, curatorial news site which collates the best news and opinion from a diverse spectrum of online outlets and delivers what you need to know about a story beyond the headline.? 

What problems does The Periscope Post solve??

In a world of agenda-driven news coverage and Information overload we find the good stuff for you and make it fun to read, helping you stay informed in less time.? ?

When and why did you launch it??

I wanted to launch a service that could make sense of the huge amount of news and opinion on the web without being a robotic aggregator. So in May 2010 I launched The Periscope Post to sort the signal from the noise.??

Who is your target audience?

?Everyone with a curious mind and an interest in the world around them. Usually for us so far that translates as Europe-based, male and female professionals aged between 20 and 40, with an international outlook.??

What are your immediate goals?

?Expanding our pool of contributors and widening the already broad range of voices present on the site to continue growth.? ?

What were the biggest challenges involved in building The Periscope Post?

?Finding the financing to create and maintain such a great product and getting the word out; you can have the best voice in the world but if you're shouting in a crowded football stadium it's difficult to get heard.??

How will the company make money?

?The goal is to attract more advertising revenue and build profitable revenue streams with branch off products and services such as paid subscription for professional niche subsidiary sites e.g. Periscope Art, Periscope Law, Periscope Finance; rental of opt-in database information; provision of white label content; provision of sponsored guest platforms; and, eventually, paid-ticket-attending Periscope debates and conferences.?  ?

Who is in the team and what does it look like??

The team is four very talented individuals and the team looks great. At the head is our tireless Editor-in-Chief, LR McRobbie, a Texan firebrand who writes well, leads well, and has been with me since the beginning.

Then there's Archie Thomas, our managing editor, also an excellent writer and LR's second in command. And supporting them are our excellent contributing editors Hannah Davies and Philip Womak providing additional writing.

The whole team do a great job and work well together to turn out a product we can all be proud of.?  ?

Where would you like to be in one, three and five year's time?

?Next year we hope to have built wider reach through partnerships, growing a loyal audience on the site and in social. By 2015 and beyond we'll be looking to be everyone's go-to resource for accessible round-ups of the key stories in the world and commentary around them.

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