viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Texting the Wrong Person Is Awkwardly Hilarious on Tumblr

We've all called the wrong number once or twice (maybe 30 times, if you're technologically challenged). Perhaps you've even landed on the other side of a wrong call, and had to disappoint the ringer requesting a delivery that you are not Pizza Hut.

It's not so bad, not so awkward, and easy to get over.

Texting the wrong person, on the other hand, is where the real cringing happens. Maybe it's because we get a little more personal in written form. Maybe it's because you never know who's on the other line.

Either way, texting the wrong number can get you into some questionable social scenarios. Just ask the hottest new Tumblr Oops Wrong Number, which highlights some iffy texts and their consequential responses.

Image via iStockphoto, ludovgtb.

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