martes, 18 de junio de 2013

18 Reasons to Be Excited for Summer Even if Others Aren't

Pesky bugs and unbearable heat are just two gripes in a laundry list of complaints about the sunniest time of the year. And while you may have an innate appreciation for summer's virtues, other people have to be sold on the season.

Luckily, for every one of summer's supposed flaws, there's also a bright side. We've compiled a list of them. below:

It's so hot and gross out all the time

Image courtesy of Reddit, ew0t

1. But you can cool off in the pool

The dog thermometers say it is hot out

Image courtesy of Reddit, zonambula

All my favorite shows are on hiatus

Image courtesy of Reddit, LockesKidney

2. So you finally have time for that Netflix marathon

Image courtesy of Reddit, Brodakmoment


Image courtesy of Reddit, CrispyNectar

3. Fireflies

Image courtesy of Reddit, rebenator

The streets smell awful in the heat

Image courtesy of Reddit, woocode

4. But a summer night in the park feels amazing

Image courtesy of Reddit, Pondering_Puddle

The months-long neighborhood fireworks are loud and obnoxious

My cat gets pissed if he's disturbed when eating his dinner.

Image courtesy of Reddit, seanpatrick1009

5. But they're so pretty

Image courtesy of Reddit, Sharpy_x

Every summer, I try to garden, but just get frustrated and covered in dirt

Image courtesy of Reddit, brodie7838

6. All the fresh produce at the farmer's market is delicious.

Image courtesy of Reddit, kaylamalarky

Now that school's out, there are kids everywhere

Image courtesy of Reddit, gargamelbrooks

7. But it's super cute when whole lines of them walk by in their matching camp shirts

Image courtesy of Reddit, anangrybanana

It's really hard to stick to my diet when I'm at a cookout every weekend.

You can take the cat out of the street, but not the street out of the cat.
Image courtesy of Reddit, intertubeluber

8. But burgers

Image courtesy of Reddit, Lunchable_

I hate having to wear a bathing suit in public

Our grumpy cat is grumpier than your grumpy cat

Image courtesy of Reddit, MissouriLiger

9. But it feels wonderful to get into your pajamas after a long day at the beach.

Image courtesy of Reddit, Arrrrkie

It seems like everyone at work is going on vacation, except for me

Image courtesy of Reddit, RustyTheSnowman

10. With the office quiet and empty, you can get a lot done

Image courtesy of Reddit, kermth

Putting on greasy sunscreen is the worst

Image courtesy of Reddit, BenJendresen

11. Laying out for a nap in the sun is the best

Image courtesy of Reddit, renewest

Whenever I walk into a crowd during the day, I'm bumping into sweaty bodies

Image courtesy of Reddit, RichKidChad

12. Outdoor movies and fireworks are great opportunities to snuggle at a cooler time

Image courtesy of Reddit, FrogGoesRibbit

Having the air conditioner on makes my electric bill super high

Image courtesy of Reddit, nicholmikey

13. The heat pushes you to get a daring new summer hair cut

Remember the dog with the lion hair cut? Well he passed away recently and I thought you all should know. RIP Benji

Image courtesy of Reddit, R4inbows

Every summer, my city is overrun with tourists.

Image courtesy of Reddit, Cr00ked

14. Every summer, you get the chance to make new friends

Image courtesy of Reddit, Romina2

The only movies playing in theaters are action flicks

Image courtesy of Reddit, factum

15. But you can go see your favorite old movies at outdoor screenings

Image courtesy of Reddit, polkadot8

My family will drag me to go camping in the bug-infested woods

Image courtesy of Reddit, Zorano0

16. You'll finally have some quality bonding time

Image courtesy of Reddit, Thirstycurious

It's hard to dress professionally when it's so hot

Pissed off cat
Image courtesy of Reddit, chovey

17. When you break out your casual summer wear, you look good

Image courtesy of Reddit, ad54me

The constant bell of the ice-cream truck gets on my nerves

Image courtesy of Reddit, mdigen

18. But it delivers ice cream

Image courtesy of Reddit, WeylandYutani_PR

Homepage image courtesy of Flickr, wolfgangstaudt

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