We live in a world of big (and little) data, and many people have to make sense of numbers as part of their job. The trouble is that there can be a lot of friction involved when mining the data.
This is where dashboards come into play: a well-designed dashboard can save huge amounts of time, helping people to quickly identify the numbers that matter, in order to make insightful observations or to compile reports.
Dashboard design is a tricky business. The challenge is to communicate the key numbers in a straightforward way, while allowing users to drill down into the specifics. It is about avoiding clutter, about catering for personalisation, and about the prioritisation of the right metrics. It's difficult to get right, but I think many of these examples have lots of good things going for them.
I have a few ideas for web apps based around dashboards, so in part this post constitutes a kind of note to self. It is also a call for further suggestions... if you have seen other beautiful / functional / clever dashboards then do leave a comment below. And if you're a data geek who doesn't love some of these, then be sure to say why!
Lancaster Bingo Company
By Danny Amacher.
A flat design dashboard
By Chris Masterson.
Yet more flat design
by Riki Tanone.
Patient records
By Andrew Lucas.
Sprout Social
Nektar Dashboard
By Justin Roberts.
Dashboard Analytics
By Hila Pileg.
Cranium Dashboard
By David Stewart.
Start Admin
Fox Metrics
By ModernBits.
Airbnb Analytics
Kareer Dashboard
By Gabe Abadilla.
Statisti.cs Dashboard
By Derek Bender.
Wave Dashboard
By Handsome.
Also by Handsome.
Seen any others? By all means leave a comment below...
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