domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

25 Creepy Paintings of Renaissance Babies

The Renaissance was a time in our history characterized by major cultural and scientific innovation. Aided by great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, it brought about the appreciation of beauty and the desire to create it. For that, we give them some serious props.

But in that noble quest, one thing missed the mark — the ability to paint a cute, snuggly, human-like baby. It's a question that still puzzles museum goers and art lovers today:

Screen Shot Renaissance Babies

As for why Renaissance melodies are so easy to sing, we'll have to save that for another post.

So without further ado, I introduce the best of the worst Renaissance and Medieval baby paintings, with some help from the glorious Ugly Renaissance Babies.

1. Duccio di Buoninsegna, Madonna and Child

Fun fact: in 2004 this became the Met's most expensive acquisition ever, at a staggering $45 million. You'd think for that price, you could get a full-sized baby!

2. Domenico di Bartolo, Madonna and Child Enthroned

Every move you make, he'll be watching you.

Domenico di Bartolo, Madonna and Child Enthroned

3. Martino di Bartolomeo, The Legend of St. Stephen

I know you're having a moment up there, but there is a DEMON stealing your baby!

Martino di Bartolomeo, The Legend of St. Stephen

4. Marx Reichlich, Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth

What if babies really do have a secret language they use to communicate from inside the womb?

5. Cimabue, Madonna with Child

This baby has been hitting the gym way too frequently. And now he's hitting his mother.

6. Master of the Life of Saint John the Baptist, Madonna and Child with Angels

Such wisdom lies behind those little, beady eyes.

7. Studio of Bernard van Orley, Madonna and Child with Apples and Pears

This is Bernard van Orley's apprentice's depiction of a miniature college freshman.

8. Joos van Cleve, Virgin and Child

Take away the gin and juice and this one really looks quite baby-like.

9. Studio of Cornelis van Cleve, The Adoration of the Magi

It looks like Papa van Cleve forgot to teach Cornelis that dark, cornea-less eyes can register a tad demonic.

10. Cornelis van Cleve, Virgin and Child

Cornelis is at it again. Someone get this kid an exorcism, pronto.

11. Andrea Mantegna, Madonna and Child with Seraphim and Cherubim

Who dressed this poor piglet as a child? Oink.

12. Bernardino di Mariotto, Madonna and Child

Baby needs a nap. And some cartoons.

Bernardino di Mariotto, Madonna and Child

13. Giovanni di Paolo, Madonna and Child with Two Angels and a Donor

Something about the look in his eyes tells me he's not supposed to be doing that.

14. Bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels

Get this kid some Skele-Gro, STAT.

15. Stefano di Giovanni, Madonna and Child with Angels

The distended abdomen is weird, but his mother and her exposed cranium might be the creepier of the two.

16. Berlinghiero Berlinghieri, Madonna and Child

Check out the schnoz on this little tyke.

17. Bernardino Luini, The Christ Child and the Infant John the Baptist with a Lamb


18. Masaccio and Masolino da Panicale,Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

Baby spent the morning getting a free makeover at Lord & Taylor.

Masaccio and Masolino da Panicale, Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

19. Artist Unknown, Nature Forging a Baby

Hey lady, you stop doing that!

20. Hans Baldung, The Ages of Man and Death

Not that the rest of the painting isn't terrifying, but scroll for a very muscular neckless baby.

21. Lorenzo Veneziano, Madonna and Child

The thing with this one is, I don't think he's supposed to be hunchbacked.

22. Geertgen tot Sint Jans, Virgin and Child

Baby breakin' it down with some maracas. (Woah, maracas and rattles are the same thing.)

23. Paolo di Giovanni Fei, Madonna with Child

Baby biting mommy's shoulder.

24. Albrecht Dürer, Madonna and Child

This is all very lumpy.

Albrecht Dürer, Madonna and Child

25. Lucas Cranach the Elder, Virgin and Child with a Bunch of Grapes

So much skull, so little face.

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Virgin and Child with a Bunch of Grapes

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