sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Clueless Lakers Fans Are Pumped Their Team Made the NBA Finals

Lakers fans have a certain, shall we say, reputation around the sports water cooler. They're daft, the thinking goes — a bunch of partiers and posers who just want to latch onto a big name but don't actually have any substance as fans or even really follow the team.

But of course that's just an unfair stereotype perpetuated by disgruntled fans of less successful NBA franchises, right? Right? Well, not according to the hilarious video above.

The clip comes from Jimmy Kimmel Live's popular "Lie Witness News" series. This time, his crew hit the streets of Los Angeles to find Lakers "fans" who were pumped to see their team in the NBA finals again.

The only problem with this little scenario? The Lakers lost in the first round of this year's playoffs, and their season has been over for more than a month. The actual finals, which started Tuesday night, pit the Miami Heat against the San Antonio Spurs.

Check the video out for yourself then let us know what you think in the comments. Oh, and special shout-out to the dude who thinks the Lakers have a shot at the Stanley Cup.

Homepage image courtesy of YouTube, JimmyKimmelLive

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