jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

How to Delete Your Creeper Facebook Search History

Remember that time you did a Facebook search of your partner's ex? And before that, when you had a huge crush on your sweetie, you'd check his or her profile page slightly too often. Oh, and recall that other time when you had a leeettle too much wine and looked up The One That Got Away?

Facebook does.

The social network stores every single term you enter in the search box. Although the privacy setting for this data is set to "only you," you may feel uncomfortable having that info hanging around. If so, it's a simple process to delete it and clear your creeper Facebook search history.

We've taken a quick look how in the simple walkthrough gallery above. In the comments below, let us know if you plan to delete your Facebook search history, or if you find it useful.

Homepage image courtesy of Flickr, Sarah G

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