miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Mayor Live-Tweets Rescue of Bear From Tree

You've probably never heard of Danbury, Conn., mayor Mark Boughton. Heck, you've probably never heard of Danbury.

But Boughton brought on plenty of Twitter attention Tuesday morning when he live-tweeted — in mock tough guy, tongue-in-cheek fashion — the rescue of a 240-pound black bear from a downtown Danbury tree.

Here's how @MayorMark, as he's known online, started off his narrative:

In this tweet, "DEEP" refers to Connecticut's Department of Energy and Environmental Protection:

See what Boughton did here?

Like most, Boughton hoped the Bear would be freed from the tree, and relocated to a safer area:

He even provided some visual content:

It soon became apparent that the safest resolution for all parties would be to tranquilize the bear before moving it to a less populated area. Boughton continued to document the new developments visually:

He even showed citizens how DEEP rigged up a net to catch the bear safely:


The bear has since been safely relocated, state officials told The Hartford Courant, while Boughton said on Twitter that its new home is a state park. Wildlife officials identified the animal as a 240-pound male between 3 and 4 years of age.

Before the sedated bear was moved, however, Boughton posed for a photo op:

Some followers took exception to the photo's caption, but Boughton said he was only kidding:

By Tuesday night, he was back to dealing with more mundane goings-on about town:

Should more mayors take Boughton's approach to Twitter, or was this too much? Give us your take in the comments.

Image via MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images

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